WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2020-04-19, 13:04)Cromseth Wrote: The metadata load from video files (MKVs) just get one audio track, the "best" one (not always the first one). This way I can't see what movie is dubbed in my language or not until playing the real movie. The subs tracks are completely loaded, meanwhile. I don't see any option to change that or update mediainfo module. Is there something I can do to get all audio tracks?
Ember reads always reads all streams and shows them as small language icon. As default the best audio stream will be displayed with a flag, but in Settings => Movies/TV Shows => General => Main Window => Show best audio ... you can enable that the best stream of a specific language should be displayed with a flag.
(2020-04-19, 13:04)Cromseth Wrote: Another problem I get its that with an EMM "default" configuration (without touching nothing at Kodi filenames template, using default) when I use Kodi interface to sync database I can update movie info, poster and fanart, but it seems that Kodi (I tried a few skins) dont load extra art as discart, clearart or clearlogo. Do I need to change any default option or value to achieve Kodi loads that extra art? I supossed that the default config would be the right one.
The Kodi default skin does not support all of the additional image types. If you use the Kodi Interface to sync the images it not even important which file names you use because the Kodi Interface sends the image path and image type to the Kodi database, e.g.
So any file name works because Kodi don't have to search for an image with a file name that corresponds to a known file name scheme.

You also can check if the sync has worked if you open the Information dialog on a movie in Kodi and select "Choose Art". In this list you should see all images and there type like:


As "default" file name Ember alsways use <stacked-filename>-imagetype.ext like Kodi whould do if you export your Kodi database to separate files. "imagetype" is the same "name" as Kodi uses in the column "type" in the table "art" (with the exception VIDEO_TS or BDMV folder structures and tv shows), e.g. "clearart", "clearlogo", "landscape" and so on.
(2020-04-19, 13:04)Cromseth Wrote: For last, but just as curiosity, not real problem: When I enable "real time sync" in Kodi interface, each time I update a movie it tries and fails in the sync. If I sync "manually" via menu option it does it correctly. Is a bug in that option or its just me?
Thats the the exact same function with the only difference that one is called automatically and the other manually. So it can't be a different result.

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RE: Ember Media Manager 1.5.x - Discussion Thread - by DanCooper - 2020-04-19, 14:08
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