WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
I did something wrong...but thankfully I backed up. I installed to my old ember directory (right over version 4 something.) I then ran the program and it said updating database. Then it asked if I wanted to overight locked nfos or something to which I said no. When i started, I used my old link which ran with the command "C:\tivo\Ember Media Manager\Ember Media Manager.exe" -profile "Default" and it resulting in none of my info being there. So i figured maybe the commands have changed so I just started by clicking on ember media manager.exe and when that opened it asked if I wanted to open the default profile which I said yes. 
Wnen it opens there is no files and no sources. Looking quickly at settings it looks like they are the same as i had them set in general but I am not sure. I checked my profile directory and it looks like all my temp stuff is there (its huge) and the profile directory seems to have my old db info. the only thing i notice is in my dbs it has the writes I performed before upgrading myvideos42.emm and then myvideos46.emm which is small (452k) and a myvideos46.emm_tmp which is (67,877k) matching my pre update. So i am guessing it didnt finish its upgrade? Is it possible the upgrade didnt go right or what do I need to do next. I did move the base install from what was called "c:tivo\Ember Media Manager BETA\" before install to "c:tivo\Ember Media Manager" stripping off the Beta part and was wondering if that might be the problem or what I should do now.
I do have a zip of the prior install from a few days ago I can use too, if that is what is needed. 
I know in the past we were supposed to install to a new dir and copy over the profiles and temp directory but I thought this was supposed to be upgraded in place, so I can do what you suggest. If my only option is to restore from the few days ago backup that is fine, i just will lose some scrape info but the nfos will be there so it should be all good. What should I have done and what should I do now that something went wrong?

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Miscellaneous > Media List Editor - by pstrg - 2020-06-09, 02:38
MovieSets - by pstrg - 2020-06-11, 22:01
RE: Ember Media Manager 1.5.x - Download & Discussion Thread - by sanjonny - 2020-07-12, 12:22
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