Importing lists to Kodi?
I have a whole bunch of movies in my library, but I also suffer from a terrible memory. So to remember some of the special ones, I've got a whole bunch lists that I've written down in simple txt files (highly rated documentaries, stuff to watch with wife, etc) and I'm trying to add these lists to Kodi. I've tried using Kodi's built in list function, but as far as I can tell it's a terribly cumbersome and slow technique of having to scroll down to every single film, and then adding it to que, before finally saving the que as a list. It would take ages to add all my lists with this method.

So what I'm looking for is some sort of alternative list-maker. A plug-in or external site where you can create lists easily and then import them into Kodi. I've seen some people recommend which does indeed make the actual list-making quite easy, however I can't for the life of me figure out how to import Trakt lists into Kodi. Nor have I found any way to import lists from IMDB, or any other similar site.

So is there any way or service I'm not aware of that makes list-making super easy?
An alternative method is to use Tags.

Go to Videos>Movies>Tags, create a New tag and then select all the films from the pop-up box that you want the tag added to.
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I actually found a very simple method to do this, thanks to someone over at Reddit:
Quote:If the films are in your library you could make a smart playlist with the rule "title is" and then manually edit the text file using the files you already typed up. The rule would look like this:

<rule field="title" operator="is">
<value>First Movie</value>
<value>Second Movie</value>
The operator rule can also be "contains" instead of "is".

This super easy method just saved me hours upon hours.

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Importing lists to Kodi?0