Preferred Streaming Protocol - XBMS vs SMB vs UPnP vs FTP...etc
Tried FlexRAID for a long time. Ended up switching to DriveBender with cloud backups and mirrored folders for really important stuff (picture, docs).

FlexRAID never gave me the impression of a really stable and mature product. Too much stuff happening without clear explanations, everything intentionally kept "mysterious" and with tech jargon that, from time to time, seemed made up on the spot. I'm quite sure that was just my impression but what can I say? It didn't give me enough confidence to stay with it.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by joebrady - 2008-08-06, 22:52
[No subject] - by Gamester17 - 2008-08-08, 17:20
[No subject] - by XBMC Fan - 2008-08-12, 09:08
[No subject] - by bionic1234 - 2008-08-12, 15:09
UPnP Issues? - by Thracx - 2008-08-13, 14:12
[No subject] - by Gamester17 - 2008-08-13, 15:04
[No subject] - by Ghostface - 2008-08-13, 19:42
[No subject] - by Thracx - 2008-08-14, 13:36
[No subject] - by InDashMP3 - 2008-08-22, 03:18
RE: Preferred Streaming Protocol - XBMS vs SMB vs UPnP vs FTP...etc - by ashlar - 2014-11-08, 13:05
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Preferred Streaming Protocol - XBMS vs SMB vs UPnP vs FTP...etc0