Import of correctly tagged mp4 files into Kodi 18.8 is not working?

I have a film library from iTunes (now TV program) on my Mac. All the films are mp4 files and are correctly tagged (like described in: Video_file_tagging (wiki)) , so the film name, year, coverart is inside the mp4 file. That was working for nearly two decades now. The coverart is shown directly in finder and eg. VLC ore MetaZ can show the whole information.

Now I moved a few films to a Raspberry Pi 4 with libreElec 9.2.5 and Kodi 18.8 to test if I can use this as a replacement for my aged Apple TV 1.

I have the films in single folders (that is the original structure iTunes is using) like here:
Filme/Der rosarote Panther wird gejagt/Der rosarote Panther wird gejagt.m4v

Now I set "Settings>Media Settings>Videos>Use video tags", to let Kodi use the tags inside the video files.
I set the folder to be "scraped" by the local Scraper, but nothing was found. No single film is recognised.

Now I switched to the TheMovieDB scraper and Kodi is getting all the information again and download it although the information is there.
But eg. for the above mentioned film I am getting only English cover-art. I can not use the German cover which is inside the video-file.

The problem is that I tagged all the films and they all have valid information inside but I have to do all the work again, to look if the information that Kodi is getting automatically is correct.

Isn't it possible to use the correctly filled metadata entries in the mp4 video files in Kodi?

Is there someone who can help me here? Thank you in advance!
From the wiki "For MP4 tags, Kodi reads Title, Writing Credits, Plot, Plot Outline, Year, Album, Artist and Track information if available."  Unfortunately it would appear that your embedded art is not supported at this time.

See for what does and doesn't work.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2020-10-26, 14:40)black_eagle Wrote: Unfortunately it would appear that your embedded art is not supported at this time.

At the end of the page you can find: "'poster' images can be embedded in MP4 files."

And when I did the local scanning, not even the title and year were found. There was simply no film found.
Did you enable the reading of video tags?  Settings > Media > Videos > Use video tags
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2020-10-26, 15:22)black_eagle Wrote: Did you enable the reading of video tags?

Yes, I did, I wrote it in my question. :-)

But in the meantime I found a small solution with the help of another forum. All of my files were named m4v, although they are mp4-files. After renaming them Kodi suddenly can read the tags of the video files.
So now I have the correct information in Kodi, but only a few tags are read so not all information is shown.
When I switch to TheMovieDB scraper the local information will be used and not the TheMovieDB information, so that it is not possible to get the "best of both worlds". :-(
There is no mixing of online and offline Information. Sad but true.
(2020-10-26, 17:43)carsten_h Wrote: When I switch to TheMovieDB scraper the local information will be used and not the TheMovieDB information, so that it is not possible to get the "best of both worlds". :-(

No unfortunately not.  Local information always takes precedence over remote info if local info is available.  I guess a "best of both worlds" would take the local info and fill in any "gaps" with online info where possible.  Maybe that will come with v20.
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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Import of correctly tagged mp4 files into Kodi 18.8 is not working?0