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Release HBO Max
@Sholander as you see above we already fix this Geo lock  Smile
@matthuisman  HDR on Sony Android now work but i must choose stream 2560X1440 H.265... i got answer from HBOMax help which is useless... i try to get some telephone number...
Netflix with 4kHDR and bitrate up to 30Mb/s work excellent so problem is on HBOMax side...
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
(2022-03-10, 20:58)webmaher Wrote: @Sholander as you see above we already fix this Geo lock  Smile
Of course I have seen that "fix" and did as suggested, even rebooted FS after logging out of HBO_Max, but that did not help, so it wasn't really a fix in my case.
Maybe I had some glitch, and to be sure, I'll try again tonight...
(2022-03-09, 23:19)matthuisman Wrote: @webmaher
HBO Max > Settings > Playback > Default Subtitle >  sl
This will try to set the default subtitle to SL (slovenian)

not work... player default language (croatian) override slovenian default language in HBOMax addon...
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
there is a JSON error bug in latest few versions.
Should get it fixed today.

Can follow progress here:

v0.9.2 should fix the json error (hopefully)
yes, for now with v0.92 work without to log out and log in...just install update and no more error  Smile
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
(2022-03-10, 21:36)webmaher Wrote:
(2022-03-09, 23:19)matthuisman Wrote: @webmaher
HBO Max > Settings > Playback > Default Subtitle >  sl
This will try to set the default subtitle to SL (slovenian)

not work... player default language (croatian) override slovenian default language in HBOMax addon...

For some reason I have to set the default language in HBOMax to English (US). If I choose "Croatian" then I have a big problem with Croatian subtitles: about 80% of displayed subtitles "flicker". That is, these subtitles are displayed for a second (or less) and then the text disappears for a fraction of a second to appear again. For some longer lasting subtitles this can happen more than (usual) one time. Setting default addon language to English fixes this problem for (several) titles I watched last night.

@matthuisman does this addon downloads and stores (where ?) subtitles like HBO_Go addon? Does it automatically erase them after watching a title like HBO_Go addon?
(2022-03-10, 18:00)kuluba Wrote: If your device is not properly licensed by google and the vendor and the chain of trust as well of decoding in a secure element on the board cannot be guaranteed, you can't get to the highest resolutions and audio quality.
What is available for each level is decided upon by the streaming service and nothing we can influence.

Yes, I understand that this is device-dependent. But this device has to somehow "talk" with HBO and "shake hand" saying, that it is what it is. And that's the moment when maybe we could somehow emulate different parameters than they are in reality to fool HBO that it is talking with such "licensed" device?
It is out of my mind that I legally pay for HBO subscription and cannot watch in normal, good quality because of some non-understandable rules considering streaming device and lack of support for Linux devices.
I've also written to HBO Max asking about Linux support, but I'm more than sure, that they will ignore it :/
Max quality which works for me on my Sony Android TV 4kHDR is 2560X1440 with bitrate to max 16Mb/s...if i choose higher it works maybe 20-40sec and then stop...
As I see all 3 streams with "4k" resolution and HDR use only H.265 video codec
Original app with 4k HDR movies works but i cant see at which resolution and bitrate...
Netflix addon work at max resolution 3840X2160 and bitrate up to 30Mb/s...picture is inferior compare with HBOMax... probably use H.264 codec...
I set Playback Quality option to Custom and Max Bandwith to 20Mb/s and for now always get resolution 2560X1440 if available...if not 1920X1080 is just OK...
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
Are you on Kodi 19.4?
If your Kodi 18, that's probably the issue.
Debug log please

Nope. Widevine is a closed source binary. It does the handshake etc. Please read up on widevine. This thread is not for a discussion about widevine. You could start your own for that

Try Kodi 20. Inputstream adaptive has some improvements in it's 20 version which helps if I recall
(2022-03-11, 18:32)matthuisman Wrote: @webmaher
Try Kodi 20. Inputstream adaptive has some improvements in it's 20 version which helps if I recall

I'm running a Kodi 20 build (the KodiNerds one from Maven) and since version 0.9.2 of the addon I get a message that I need to use "Kodi 18 or higher" if I want to play content that uses Widevine.

As far as I recall, the previous version of the addon did not do this, but that one had the JSON error (which is now fixed for me in Kodi 19.4 BTW).
That issue (Kodi 18 message) was fixed earlier today
(2022-03-11, 21:44)matthuisman Wrote: That issue (Kodi 18 message) was fixed earlier today

Thank you and yes the addon works with Kodi 20 again.
(2022-03-11, 18:32)matthuisman Wrote: @Sholander
Are you on Kodi 19.4?
If your Kodi 18, that's probably the issue.
Debug log please
Yes, I'm on Mavens Kodi 19.4 for Firestick 4k. No problem with subtitles when I choose 2 channel audio. Subtitles begin to flash of/on (on the same subtitle) when I choose DD 5.1 audio. And DD 5.1 is the main reason I'm trying to use Max instead of Go where there is only 2 channel audio, but otherwise it still works perfect.
I'll try to get debug log, but first have to find out how to do it properly so that it can be of any use.
Before I do that, I'll try with official Kodi 19.4 for Android to see if  Mavens special build is the cause...

Just to mention that official HBO_Max app (hbo.max.hbonow_52.10.0) for Android works perfect on FS 4k. No problems with subtitles when playing H265 4k Dolby Vision material. So I presume it's not a Firestick 4k problem, but Kodi/HBO_Max addon combination.
Oh. 5.1 widevine on Android has some issues. Can you try on Kodi 20 please.

No point comparing to official app. Kodi system is entirely different.
You mean issues in Kodi? Because I don't see any issue since official app HBO_Max work perfect with Dolby Vision.
And also Netflix addon (plugin.video.netflix-1.18.4+matrix.1) in Kodi  works perfect with Dolby Vision + Dolby Atmos.
One more thing, yesterday when I was trying an older HBO_Max version (0.8.8) I could choose UHD stream versions, and today I can choose only HD versions; UHD are not on offer. Maybe it's an HBO Geo location limit...

Anyhow I will also try Kodi 20 version tomorow...
Btw, does "inputstream adaptive" have any influence on systems with certified L1 Widevine? Under "Video decoder" info I have: "amc-hevc(S)(HW)
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