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The idea I get from your suggestions is to think of using swipe up/down to switch between info and playlist, e.g. swipe down shows the info and swipe up switches to playlist. In interest of devices with lesser height I would still keep the controls on the bottom and keep the slider and labels moving out. But this will not work on iPad again ... 

When looking at other Apps I also saw completely other iPad layouts:
- NowPlaying left side, using iPhone dimension (vertical oriented, relatively small, also supporting the playlist)
- Right of NowPlaying the main menu and database browser was placed (used similar to iPhone)
- A fullscreen NowPlaying option could be brought in as eye candy

But I doubt this would work well for iPad portrait mode.

Maybe as a next step I will just update the control icons/position, finalize on where then place the repeat/shuffle (aligned with slider or not, but for sure on NowPlaying). For more intense rework I would like to collect ideas here, I really like the different proposals and visualizations.
For an updated, refreshed, and modern iPad layout I would recommend to use Apple Music’s look and feel as an example. While I am not actively using it, I like the way how Apple has the major things done - at least according to their screen shots which can be found in the App Store.

Maybe something for a complete remodeling of the Kodi Remote App, i.e. for version 2?
Slide down to enhanced show info seems like a no brainer.

For the playlist I’m not sure the sliding action will work to trigger it. What happens if the playlist is really long for some reason. Will sliding down bring you back to the now playing view? I would have to see this in action. It’s pretty difficult (for me at least) to create sample animations in photoshop. Even Apple Music seems to require tapping a playlist button to activate that view. Though tapping on the currently playlist item will bring back the now playing view.

For sure iPad needs its own system. Even the current iteration really just works entirely differently - for example the playlist always being visible.

I wouldnt even try to make iPad and iPhone work the same way. They each need their own interfaces adapted to the vastly different screen sizes. When I have briefly thought about the iPad version I think the omnipresent menus that are always visible work better in landscape view as it makes the view space more malleable and easier to design for. Of course I would never suggest abandoning portrait mode. 🙂

I have ideas for other aspects of app UI overhaul but will stick to now playing for now. I need to add some other elements to the now playing/playlist views.

The favorites buttons need to be added back in. I’m thinking this belongs at the top of the info view.

For the playlist views do video, music, and pictures require separate playlists like the app currently used or can this function be consolidated to a single playlist? If not then I would have to add the three icons to shift between the different playlist types. Honestly that would be far from ideal.

Buschel - is it possible for you to provide template space jpgs for all the different supported screen sizes in their native shape and resolution from your simulator? Maybe you know a resource to get that as well.

This would help me with seeing what breaks the mock layouts.
I agree, iPad portrait cannot be abandoned, I even never took this into consideration. Smile

Kodi itself uses three separate playlists, so this just reflects how Kodi is organized.

I personally do not have the time to overhaul all of this. Without any other coder, ideally with background in UI design, this will not happen.
While I have good background in UI/UX, I don’t have any experience in iOS development or in the strange programming languages Apple uses. Maybe I should try to get some experience with these. But stop, I would have to invest in a Mac first if I am not mistaken? Too bad that Apple has this closed own ecosystem Sad
Totally understandable. It’s trivial to draft layouts in photoshop. I knew it would be incredibly intensive to make changes in the IDE. Better to draft things out quickly and get an idea of things that can be done than waste effort in the coding environment though.

Definitely grateful for all of the volunteer work you put into the app. The mock ups are purely for inspiration. 🙂

I imagine this app was written in objective c? I know swift is their new language which seems to be somewhat similar to python styling. It is irritating that these require a Mac to code for.

I use python at work but to call myself a coder is a serious insult to actual coders.
As far as I am aware you can only run Xcode on macOS. I am not sure, if running macOS on a VM would work. Learning objective c -- the language used to program the app -- is not impossible, if you're used to program in C++ you will recognize a lot. That's what I did as well a few years back when I made the app working again under iOS 14, and honestly I am still learning the framework specifics.
Working in the space industry for several decades I am more used to programming languages coming out of the Pascal > Modula > Ada family than the C > C++ > Java world, where I only understand the basics.

Maybe I should take to heart what I always tell my students, namely that if you know one programming language, learning a second one is very easy Wink
Already adapted the "Kodi blue" repeat/shuffle buttons with the "bottom dot":

Horizontal positioning is still not perfect, but this will be fixed. I will also again make an option with these buttons left and right of progress bar.

Edit: Here we go. The repeat/shuffle buttons still vertically are aligned with the control buttons. Wastes some space, but I like the aligned layout.
Looks slick.

It does look slightly more cramped now but I’ll defer to your judgement on the alignment.

Inline definitely the way to go. 👍🏻

Are you able to make the progress bar dynamically sized? I ask this because maybe you dont know this but in party mode the random/loop buttons are not visible. In this case the progress bar looks weird having large gaps on either end.
The aligned look with the buttons in the same row as the progress bar looks so much better imho… good work!
(2024-03-02, 17:23)amasephy Wrote: Are you able to make the progress bar dynamically sized? I ask this because maybe you dont know this but in party mode the random/loop buttons are not visible. In this case the progress bar looks weird having large gaps on either end.
Thanks for this hint! This should be possible, alternatively they could be made dark gray (similar to the non-supported flashlight icon on the remote screen for some models).

I am currently struggling with animations of NowPlaying / playlist screens when using transparent navigation bar. After resolving one thing, there's always more to look at. The static look is relatively easy to change, but the the dynamic behaviour always needs more unexpected work.
1.14 build 4259
Release Notes

This is the next build from mainline, not having any unmerged changes just for test. This build only fixes the color of items using Kodi's icon color and fixes runtime warnings which came in as regression during 1.14 development. It has also been uploaded to AppStore for review and will be released as 1.14 in case no shows stoppers are reported in the next days.

Reason for releasing 1.14 now is that Apple forces releases to use a new Xcode version starting somewhere in April. As each new Xcode version comes with unknown effects, we want to release the current state of the Remote App with current Xcode and also have the chance for a bugfix release based on same Xcode. The current Xcode version is also the last which still supports iOS 11 devices. Release 1.15 will use the new Xcode 15.x and you will see first TF builds coming up in the next weeks. Quick local tests showed no obvious trouble so far, but often layout issues are seen once more testing is done.
@amasephy, another inspiration from your screenshots is support for taglines. I am on it Smile

After lot of playing around I went back to the shuffle/repeat above (iPhone) and left/right (iPad) of the playback controls. Also I took amasephy's idea to use a gradient gray background, which is now same for all menus (see the example screenshot for iPhone main menu).

Screenshots: - iPad portrait - iPad lanscape - NowPlaying iPhone - main menu iPhone

Due to problems with layout I hide the play controls on iPad while no playback/pause is active -- like for the progress slider.
The shuffle/repeat buttons are hidden when not supported -- e.g. during Party mode.
The playlist toggle button from iPhone is for now just disabled (dark gray) for iPad, but still visible.

The HiRes Audio is now placed right next to the sample frequency and bit depth: - iPad HiRes - iPhone HiRes
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