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Beta Testflight access to beta version
Hi Buschel,

That fix did the trick.

Unfortunately I discovered another suspend/resume bug.

If you are on the now playing screen and suspend the app, when you resume the remote disappears from the right hand pane. If you are viewing the right hand remote pane and perform these actions you can watch it disappear.
I can see the bottom toolbar vanishing, the remote itself stays. This is what you mean?

Edit:I vanishes, if the remote was located at the bottom.
Looks like you figured it out. I was so curious that you experienced it differently I had to go back and look.

Looks like it’s even stranger. If you move the remote to the top and suspend/resume, then select now playing again to make the bottom toolbar visible and then move the remote to the bottom and suspend/resume it still only hides the bottom toolbar. Something about moving the remote to the top and then to the bottom keeps some value in memory.
Confirmed. This was a long lasting potential problem which now became visible due the recently applied workaround, The controller needs an overlhaul, but I am now trying to apply very pointed code changes only. Fix is provided.

@amasephy, thanks for raising this before the App was released!
@kambala, sorry for just another fix. But we're getting there. Smile
1.12 build 3722
Release Notes

Fixes the sleep/resume issue with iPhone's embedded remote.
Your fix looks good. I can find no other bugs at this time.
Thanks for confirming this. Looks like we are good then for 1.12. Smile
(2023-01-20, 19:04)amasephy Wrote: Your fix looks good. I can find no other bugs at this time.

LOL! I was always waiting for a statement like this from you. But honestly, I never expected that it might really happenSmile
the version is already pending release on AppStore
Good one @UlfSchmidt ! Just wait until Buschel starts refactoring the app and implementing the many improvements that have been hinted at over the past year. Then the bug hunting starts all over again! 🙂 Really though, this is a testament to all of Buschel’s hard work. Finding the bug is easy, the real work is fixing the code.

Buschel, thank you for all your hard work. It ended up being a really good idea to release one more final update for legacy iOS users given the many bugs discovered after the last release. Despite my initial push to drop support for legacy in the end it was the right decision.

With this I hope you can finally move forward to making some of the modernization enhancements you’ve hinted at. For the moment I assume you’ll want to take a breather from the rapid test flight releases over the past few months.
(2023-01-20, 20:09)kambala Wrote: the version is already pending release on AppStore
I am fine to release. The fixes for the last reported problems are confirmed. The new version will benefit the overall stability and improve the user experience in many details, especially on iPad.
(2023-01-20, 22:57)Buschel Wrote:
(2023-01-20, 20:09)kambala Wrote: the version is already pending release on AppStore
I am fine to release. The fixes for the last reported problems are confirmed. The new version will benefit the overall stability and improve the user experience in many details, especially on iPad.

I agree. The current TestFlight works fantastic on my iPad! Thank you @Buschel
(2023-01-21, 11:20)kambala Wrote: released
Hi Buschel,

Just noticed two regressions. These happened with TF build 1.11.1 (3712) and are present in the latest release. Prior to this neither were an issue.

On the main menu if you swipe up to slide the server menu item (very top entry) out of view it always says “No connection” when it comes back down into view.

Second regression is the Kodi logo text on this same top menu item is now darker than it used to be. Must be related to the right pane information button color fix for light theme. Same build broke this too.

Finally, if I suspend the app twice in a row and perform the swipe action as detailed above (sliding server name out of view) the connection always turns yellow. I’m not sure when this started but finally I can reproduce this long standing issue that had been seemingly random for over a year.
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