Beta Testflight access to beta version
Thanks for the laughs UlfSchmidt!

I have indeed found a bug. This time it’s iPad only.

Load up some content such as starting party mode so the now playing playlist has some entries.

Now navigate to the Add Host pane.

Tap either of the new hyperlinks (Wiki or Forum)

Close the browser window by hitting Done.

The Now Playing Playlist list has now disappeared.

Toggling one of the other views (Music, Video, Picture) refreshes the list and once again the existing playlist is revealed.

I don’t think it’s just that the browser is brought up causing this. I was so surprised by this behavior I decided to bring up the browser another way and see if it did the same thing. If you know how, bringing up the Wikipedia entry on music info for an album does not trigger the same Now Playing disappearing act.

Everything that was fixed for this build seems find on my iPhone.

Overall excellent build! 👍🏻

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RE: Testflight access to beta version - by amasephy - 2023-10-24, 03:19
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