Android No option for TrueHD

I’m new here. I’ve downloaded the newest version of kodi (19 matrix) today on my Sony bravia AG9 tv. My sound setup is the sonos arc with rears en sub.

I have a movie on my usb that supports dolby atmos truehd. However I can’t get dolby truehd from it.

I’ve enabled all of the options for passthrough on my tv and kodi. I also don’t have the option in Kodi to choose TrueHD while I have it for DTS.

I’m struggling now for hours to get that dolby truehd on my sonos arc.

In the SPMC app it shows truehd 7.1 but no sound coming out the system.

Am I doing something wrong?

Please help this guy out...

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No option for TrueHD0