Solved Music DB from Leia to Matrix
(2021-08-20, 20:50)Karellen Wrote: Can you post one of these nfo files to Kodi Paste Site
This is one of the albums that did not work, unless I go back to my Music_Library > Bee Gees, then scan item into library with tag reading :
(2021-08-20, 17:02)shedrock Wrote: It is a brand new installation of Matrix on LE.
I still have doubts @shedrock, because in the first post you asked
Quote:Is there some way I can convert my MyMusic72.db to MyMusic82.db I dropped mine in there and renamed it, but it keeps prompting me to re-scan the tags.
It sounds much more like you are updating the version installed on a device. Do you really have a brand new installation of Matrix, with default settings, default skin, no sources added, empty music and video libraries etc.?

But let's say that you do, that for some reason you didn't just update the Leia version (which is the easiest thing to do), or maybe it is on another device or you are using a new SD card. I have to admit I am curious what the situation is. Anyway you are looking at this brand new installation of Matrix with an empty music library and no music sources added.

The simple way forwards, assuming that you have nfo files, is to recreate the music library from scratch - add sources, scan tags and scrape from nfo files which you say you have correctly located.

But you don't want to do that because you have had previous (mysterious to me) problems with nfo files being applied. So I offer you this slightly more complicated alternative:

You could add the music sources exactly as you did before but NOT scan to music library, or copy the sources.xml file from the Leia installation. The path to the music sources for this device needs to be exactly as same as when Leia was installed otherwise you can not do the following databse file manipulation.

Then, with Kodi off, delete MyMusic82.db and copy MyMusic72.db from the Leia installation. On restarting Kodi it will migrate this database to the Matrix version. When you enter the music library navigation screen it will keep prompting you to re-scan the tags. When it is convenient for you (it happens in the background so you can continue to use Kodi to play media etc., but you want to be able to leave the device on until scanning completes) allow this scan to happen. It will NOT rescrape additional album or artist data for any album or artist that has been previously scraped, that data is safely stored in the database already, so your manual edits will not be lost. There will be no need to import anything from previous exports.

Any now to what you did, and the problems you report.
(2021-08-20, 17:02)shedrock Wrote: I re-scraped and scanned all the music back into the library using local NFO in the scraper settings for music but it does nto pickup all the info for quite a lot of artist, even though the NFO files are perfect. They contain all the requirements that Musicbrainz calls for. However, if I go to  Files > "Music_Library" and go to the particular artists that has no info being displayed, all I do there is Scan to Library with a full tag search and it populates the artist/album info.
Sorry, this makes no sense.
For starters NFO files get applied to the artist or album as dictated by their location, and not by the xml tags inside the NFO file.

There are no Musicbrainz requirements. You previously had issues where you had multiple artist entries for the same artist (caused mostly by variations of punctuation in artist names), trying to save the same artist Musicbrainz ID from the NFO files (or scraping remotely) to both artist entries raised a db error. This is possibly the source of your confusion.

If within file view doing "Scan to Library" from the context menu and saying yes to full tag scan when on a particular artist subfolder (that is what you said works) picks up the nfo data, then doing that on the music source will do the same thing for ALL your music .
I don't know what process you followed when you "I re-scraped and scanned all the music back into the library using local NFO in the scraper settings for music".
(2021-08-21, 14:43)DaveBlake Wrote: Do you really have a brand new installation of Matrix
Yes, brand spanking new. I never update, because I believe there are always issues that pop up somewhere along the way. I only update addons when required. I hope this clears up your doubts.Big Grin

I also did what @Karellen told me to do by importing the single XML file. I believe you also mentioned it as well. This worked after Kodi scraped the music library on 1st use. I should have remembered that because he did tell me to do that when I 1st setup Leia coming from Helix. Everything seems to be working great now, as far as the music is concerned. The one thing Kodi did nto get right was the Play counts. I know for a fact there is one song I've played 43 times, but it shows as being played 8 times, but that's neither her nor there.


OK, @shedrock I'm going to mark this as solved.
I promise simply upgrading works, it does not have to be as complex as it seems to have been for you.

(2021-08-21, 15:20)shedrock Wrote: The one thing Kodi did nto get right was the Play counts. I know for a fact there is one song I've played 43 times, but it shows as being played 8 times, but that's neither her nor there.

Well 8 isn't 0, so it has tried. To allow for users that move their music files but somehow want to transfer the playback history the import of this data matches songs usiing title and artist and a number of other criteria, not a simple path and filename. If you have a song multiple times in your library (same song in more than one music file) this fuzzy matching can get it wrong.
Thread marked solved.
(2021-08-21, 19:04)DaveBlake Wrote: Well 8 isn't 0, so it has tried.
Yes, that's very true. Thank you very much for all your help. Much appreciated.


Regarding the album reviews, why not add to the metadata site TheAudioDB so everyone can benefit from them in the future?

The scraper should have the ability to download those reviews.

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Music DB from Leia to Matrix0