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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition

where are the controls for the left pane of the infowall (poster) layout for tv shows? i want to change the layout a bit but can not find the controls
I don't know exactly what you mean. Is this the Infopanel at left or the settings panel on the left side?


Settings Panel

The Infopanel and parts of the settings panel are the same for all views: MyVideoNav.xml. The main part of the settings panel is an include named "MediaMenuListCommon". You'll find this in the Includes_MediaMenu.xml
Yes the info panel, thank you
looks like you are using ListItem.Label to populate the season,episode numbers. but where are they being called from? im trying to change the formatting
(2022-07-31, 15:36)spl147 Wrote: im trying to change the formatting

What would you change? From e.g. 1x06 to S01E06 or similar?
(2022-07-31, 17:28)_BJ1 Wrote:
(2022-07-31, 15:36)spl147 Wrote: im trying to change the formatting

What would you change? From e.g. 1x06 to S01E06 or similar?
Exactly S01.E06
In Infopanel you have to change $INFO[ListItem.Label] against $VAR[SeasonPrefixVar]$INFO[ListItem.Season,,.]$VAR[EpisodePrefixVar]$INFO[ListItem.Episode,,: ]$INFO[ListItem.Title] in Line 57 and 68 of MyVideoNav.xml. But be aware that you may add additional visible conditions for that because the content of ListItem.Label could change to everything else.
(2022-07-31, 21:11)_BJ1 Wrote: In Infopanel you have to change $INFO[ListItem.Label] against $VAR[SeasonPrefixVar]$INFO[ListItem.Season,,.]$VAR[EpisodePrefixVar]$INFO[ListItem.Episode,,: ]$INFO[ListItem.Title] in Line 57 and 68 of MyVideoNav.xml. But be aware that you may add additional visible conditions for that because the content of ListItem.Label could change to everything else.

ok, so changing just 57 fixed the left panel, but defn gonna need more visible conditions. the right panel still has the 1x06 though
(2022-07-31, 23:31)spl147 Wrote: The right panel still has the 1x06 though

Yes, and the Home screen and all included views too: https://github.com/b-jesch/skin.estuary....ml#L12-L29 It's a big bunch of work to make this consistent.
where is the control for the right panel season, episode labels?
You'll find them all in the includes linked in the post above.
can you tell me where the controls for the title and year on the osd when a movie is paused are?
This is an include named "OSDwithInfo". You'll find it in Includes.xml.
(2022-08-07, 10:33)_BJ1 Wrote: This is an include named "OSDwithInfo". You'll find it in Includes.xml.

perfect thank you
so i gotta say, i really like this skin, it is what estuary should be out of the box!

i have forked this skin and made some of my own mods. im trying to stay current with your branch as well as not breaking my changes.

is it possible for you to tag your releases so i can better track your changes to merge with my fork?

i am going to create a doc with all my changes
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