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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
I have two separate devices.
GT King Pro S922-H and GT King A311D2
The same interface Power Menu looks different on both devices.
Kodi Nexus S922-H kernel works with 4.9.269 and A311D2 kernel 5.4.125.

Edit:Both commands are the same.
@spl147 I've dived into the code of skin.estuary and there are indeed both paths assigned as a property for "Reboot from eMMC/NAND". I guess the guys of coreelec know what they do, so I adapt the  code from there into this mod.
@crazyturk The "reboot" is for devices like x86 systems (PC) while "reset" is for other devices. Thats why they are doubled.
(2023-01-24, 18:55)_BJ1 Wrote: @spl147 I've dived into the code of skin.estuary and there are indeed both paths assigned as a property for "Reboot from eMMC/NAND". I guess the guys of coreelec know what they do, so I adapt the  code from there into this mod.
here is the pull request:

[Estuary] add support for reboot to internal with Android 11/12
Update path check method for C++17
We are here in the thread "Estuary Mod V2". In this mod the PR has not been considered yet and will adapted with next update. So all is ok.  Wink
I don't know if it's due to Nexus or not but I can no longer access to the metadata editor of the files, it says there's an error.
See here: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3132935
Thank you
### 4.1.0+nexus.1 ###
  • Introducing Skin Timers as replacement for splash screen timers
  • extend power menu property "reboot from eMMC/NAND" (PR see above)
  • Applying special seasonal themes to splash screen, update textures
  • fixed wrong behaviour on startup/logout when profiles are used (Issue #65)

Screenshot from the upcoming Valentines Day Splash (14.02.23):

(2023-01-28, 10:24)_BJ1 Wrote: ### 4.1.0+nexus.1 ###
  • Introducing Skin Timers as replacement for splash screen timers
  • extend power menu property "reboot from eMMC/NAND" (PR see above)
  • Applying special seasonal themes to splash screen, update textures
  • fixed wrong behaviour on startup/logout when profiles are used (Issue #65)

Screenshot from the upcoming Valentines Day Splash (14.02.23):


Are these not being applied to the Matrix skin?
Skin timers and therefore the replacement of Alarm timers was introduced with Nexus. In this context at last the issue #65 has been fixed - and in this way the special seasonal themes has moved into place. All these improvements could not applied to Matrix.
(2023-01-28, 17:37)_BJ1 Wrote: Skin timers and therefore the replacement of Alarm timers was introduced with Nexus. In this context at last the issue #65 has been fixed - and in this way the special seasonal themes has moved into place. All these improvements could not applied to Matrix.

Introducing Skin Timers as replacement for splash screen timers Nexus Only

extend power menu property "reboot from eMMC/NAND" (PR see above) Why can this not be applied to Matrix?

Applying special seasonal themes to splash screen, update textures Why can this not be applied to Matrix?

fixed wrong behaviour on startup/logout when profiles are used (Issue #65) Why can this not be applied to Matrix?
(2023-01-28, 18:43)spl147 Wrote: Introducing Skin Timers as replacement for splash screen timers Nexus Only

Has adapted to Startup.xml 
(2023-01-28, 18:43)spl147 Wrote: Applying special seasonal themes to splash screen, update textures Why can this not be applied to Matrix?
fixed wrong behaviour on startup/logout when profiles are used (Issue #65) Why can this not be applied to Matrix?

Are parts of the modified Startup.xml: https://github.com/b-jesch/skin.estuary....0b3d6bee04
As Nexus is available, no more improvements are taken to Matrix, only bug fixes.
(2023-01-28, 18:43)spl147 Wrote: extend power menu property "reboot from eMMC/NAND" (PR see above) Why can this not be applied to Matrix?

Comes later. At the moment it is not worth to roll out an extra update for this.
Considering Matrix is still in development and most people don’t upgrade for several point releases, i wouldn’t stop development on the Matrix skin just yet.

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