Solved Now Playing Screen permantly display
i'm using Kodi, version 19.3 on my Himedia q30 and i play music files from an external hard disc and the now playing screen with cover-art, file-details etc disappears after a few seconds. Is it possible that the now playing screen displays permanently? I have connected a keyboard to the q30.

Maybe anybody can help me with this problem.

Thank you.
Usually the 'i' button will display that information on a song, and typically the information would disappear after a number of seconds, but that doesn't happen anymore on my Ubutu+Kodi setup. The info simply stays on or away from the screen by toggling the 'i' button. Perhaps something changed in the Linux port.

Is there a difference for you when pressing 'i' or SHIFT-'i' ?
Hello, thank you for your answer. The "i"-button works perfectly. The "now playing screen" is now permanently displayed.

Thx and kind regards.
Thread marked solved.
Been no change in behaviour with Estuary.

For the Music Info OSD there's 2 modes of operation:

A. Default mode - song info appears for 10 seconds when you enter fullscreen, and then for 10 sec on each track change.
B. Info is permenatly displayed.

The I button is used to toggle between the 2 modes of operation. Therefore:

1. If you enter fullscreen playback if Info appears and then disappears then you are in default Mode A. Use I button to toggle to Mode B.
2. If you enter fullscreen playback and Info never disppears then you're in Mode B. Use I button to toggle to Mode A.

Kodi remembers what Mode you were last in. So if you stop playback when in Mode B (or Mode A) then next time you play anything Kodi will still use Mode B (or Mode A).

Note that this is standard behaviour using Estuary, other skins may override this standard behaviour.

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