Prefer Embedded Art over Local Folder Art - Possible?
When browsing music in file mode, Kodi 19.4 ignores embedded art.

For example, I have a folder "Bach" with a picture of the composer as folder.jpg. That folder contains
  • albums by Bach (with their own folder.jpg art) - this art shows correctly
  • single songs by Bach (with embedded art) - this art doesn't show, but I see the picture of Bach instead

Is there a way to prefer embedded art over folder art? (This was the default behavior in XBMC Frodo.)
How the music library works with art has become a real mystery to me as well.  I cannot decide if I being stupid in the way I store my music or Kodi has a design "feature".

In my case I have a large number of film soundtracks of various musicals (this is big in my family - not just me!).  The music is all stored on a separate drive with each album in its own folder.  I also have an Artist Info folder for the entire library which has a folder called Film Soundtrack (with does not have its own folder and fanart jpgs) and that folder has a series of sub folders for each album (which do have their own folder and fanart jpgs).  What happens is that Kodi ignores the fanart jpg, but not the folder.jpg and picks the fanart found in the first sub-folder in the Film Soundtrack folder in artist info folder.

I think there are similar problems where you have a series of compilation albums with the artist for those albums being something like "Various Artists".

Some skins allow you to manually undo the art issues, but other skins are a bit mixed in terms of whether it works or not
Thanks for the reply - good to hear that I am not the only one who has problems with Kodi's artwork handling. I am using the Confluence skin, which does have the option of choosing a thumbnail, but it doesn't show me the embedded thumbnail as an option to choose from.

I looked at the source code of Frodo 12.3 versus Matrix 19.4, to see where the difference in handling embedded art is, but couldn't make sense of the code (never learned C++).

Maybe I'll post a feature request on GitHub.
(2022-04-01, 02:59)David Rad Wrote: Maybe I'll post a feature request on GitHub.
Nope, the team does not handle feature requests via Github, it would just be deleted. You can post feature requests on the forum, where it will lurk until maybe someone with the skills and interest volunteers to implement it. The active dev team is currently very small, the chances of anyone doing what you want are small.

Meanwhile I am the last dev to do any work on the way music artwork is handled, and sorry I don't have any time or interest in doing more.

The design of art handling in Frodo was too simplistic, it didn't handle compliations or albums with more than one album artist etc., Kodi now does that and more (such as support for an unlimited number of art types) for music in the music library.

David you are talking about file view, do you also have this music in the music library?
David Rad Wrote: For example, I have a folder "Bach" with a picture of the composer as folder.jpg. That folder contains
  • albums by Bach (with their own folder.jpg art) - this art shows correctly
  • single songs by Bach (with embedded art) - this art doesn't show, but I see the picture of Bach instead
That sounds as expected to me for file view for music files that have not been scanned into the library. It uses the folder.jpg file that in finds in the folder containing the music files, for the singles that is an image of Bach. If the music was scanned in the library then it would have a lot more possibilities.
(2022-03-31, 23:37)justin150 Wrote: How the music library works with art has become a real mystery to me as well.  I cannot decide if I being stupid in the way I store my music or Kodi has a design "feature".
@justin150 the way Kodi handles art has changed over time, many bugs and design weaknesses have been solved whilst attempting to keep backwards compatibility as much as possible. It isn't a mystery, I know I have described how it works many times and it is in the wiki too.
(2022-03-31, 23:37)justin150 Wrote: In my case I have a large number of film soundtracks of various musicals (this is big in my family - not just me!).  The music is all stored on a separate drive with each album in its own folder.  I also have an Artist Info folder for the entire library which has a folder called Film Soundtrack (with does not have its own folder and fanart jpgs) and that folder has a series of sub folders for each album (which do have their own folder and fanart jpgs).  What happens is that Kodi ignores the fanart jpg, but not the folder.jpg and picks the fanart found in the first sub-folder in the Film Soundtrack folder in artist info folder.
That sounds to me like you are confusing how the automatic artwork handling works, and that you can of course manually select artwork from anywhere accessible from Kodi, and that skins can do completely their own thing. Also are you talking about file view (as the OP does) or music scanned into the music library?

You say you have folders AIF/Film Soundtrack/Album1, AIF/Film Soundtrack/Album2... are there music files in those album folders or is this just an artwork layout?

Meanwhile here is my attempt demystifying things for you. I'm discussing the automatic but user configureable picking up of local art that happens when music is first scanned into the music library, or an artist is first added.

Kodi looks for artist artwork (thumb and fanart by default) in a suitably named subfolder of the nominated Artist Information Folder. This simple separate folder structure for artist art means that Kodi can support art for artists with same name, song artists, and artists that have albums of their own and collaborate with other album artists (common in classical music). It also allows the user total freedom to physically organise thier music files in any way that is helpful for them, rather than have to have all music by an artist in one folder.
So have an Artist Information Folder and within that a subfolder for every artist in your music collection (named as the artist name exactly unless there are duplicates), and within each of those the folder.jpg and fanart.jpg.

Kodi looks for album artwork alongside the music files themselves, that is providing the music files from an album have been arranged in a unique common folder. To be considered an album folder it must contain only music from that album, although these files can be in disc subfolders, and no files tagged with that album (and Musicbrainz ID) can be anywhere else. Album folders is an obvious way for humans to arrange music, but users could have a totally flat music folder layout and Kodi would still work idetifying separate albums except for picking up art.

Historically many users have a mymusic/artist/album folder structure, so in shifting to AIF approach if mymusic/ is set as the AIF then it will behave much as before in picking up art (except where this structure has flaws). But I would like to encourage users to move away from mixing artist art in with their music files, and towards arranging large music collections in ways that are human friendly such as having separate music sources for family members or kinds of music (like you have with soundtracks) and hence music by an artist may be spread across diverse folders.

If you have put album artwork into the AIF layout, then the automatic art process is going to ignore it but I guess you could manually make use of it. Or maybe what you have is the result of an art addon? Or maybe you are talking about file view without library scanning?
(2022-03-31, 23:37)justin150 Wrote: I think there are similar problems where you have a series of compilation albums with the artist for those albums being something like "Various Artists".
No, the flaws with art for compilation albums were solved for v18
(2022-04-01, 11:33)DaveBlake Wrote: David you are talking about file view, do you also have this music in the music library?
David Rad Wrote: For example, I have a folder "Bach" with a picture of the composer as folder.jpg. That folder contains
  • albums by Bach (with their own folder.jpg art) - this art shows correctly
  • single songs by Bach (with embedded art) - this art doesn't show, but I see the picture of Bach instead
That sounds as expected to me for file view for music files that have not been scanned into the library. It uses the folder.jpg file that in finds in the folder containing the music files, for the singles that is an image of Bach. If the music was scanned in the library then it would have a lot more possibilities.

Thanks for replying to my post, DaveBlake. I really appreciate the work you have done for Kodi.

To get back to your question, I am usually navigating music in file view, where the embedded art does not show up (even if the song is included in the library). On the other hand, the embedded art does show up in library view.

DaveBlake, can you please direct me to the file in the source code that handles artwork in file view? (I looked at /xbmc/music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.cpp but that seems to apply to library view only.)
(2022-04-02, 01:09)David Rad Wrote: DaveBlake, can you please direct me to the file in the source code that handles artwork in file view? (I looked at /xbmc/music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.cpp but that seems to apply to library view only.)
That would be the thumb loader

The presence of external artwork e.g. folder.jpg alongside the music files takes priority over embedded art. If you think about it this makes sense as a strategy, it means caching one nice high res thumb and using it for all songs in the folder rather than picking out and caching an image for each song when they are often the same (if an album) and often historically low res images too.
Thanks, I will look into it. I just noticed that the artwork handling in file mode is more broken than I thought. For example, I have a folder called 'Baroque' with a folder.jpg thumb in it. But that folder thumb doesn't show! (Apparently because 'Baroque' folder only contains subfolders named after Baroque composers, but no actual songs.)
"Broken" = not doing what you want or expect? It is not a word I would throw around so lightly, or my response could be for you to bisect the Kodi builds until you identify exactly the PR that "broke" it. Devil

If I had my way file mode would be showing artwork for albums and songs in the library only, encouraging users to create a music library, otherwise you just see folders and files, no art at all and definitely no artist art (because there is no certainty that all music for an artist and only that artist is in a folder).
Not sure what you guys are on about but library mode should be fully virtualized with the artists, their albums, songs and corresponding artwork while file mode should work like Windows explorer, showing the folder structure in a tree as it exists on the drive(s) with folder.jpg as thumbnail for a directory if present. As a Windows guy I don't see how this could be interpreted any other way.

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Prefer Embedded Art over Local Folder Art - Possible?0