Linux Libretro wrapper packages - missing builds
A majority of the libretro wrapper packages for Ubuntu (official distro?) have build failures ( It's not even possible to install any of the few unbroken ones e.g. on Focal as they depend on kodi-game-libretro, which had build failures as well.

Is this still a supported way of getting retro games working on Kodi/Linux?
Dear bedouin,
I am desperate, too. Did you found a workaround?
As kodi-game-libretro is needed for every emulator. No retro gaming for me on ubuntu (focal) for a while now.
I found the github. But I am way too unexperienced to build kodi with libretro by myself.
The emulaors and wrapper on the nightly repo are also not working for me. As they state that its the wrong kodi version. Regardless if I install kodi 20.0.1 alpha from nightly or Kodi 19.4 from stable.
Is there another option I can use to get my beloved retrogamging back, after the fresh install I had to do after my ssd died.
Kind regards
Okay... so I'm not the only one...
Seems strange that the maintainers don't seem to care. Perhaps there's more to it.
Also, I was expecting for more people to be complaining about the issue.

This was working fine a year ago.

Would be nice to know why it was removed (from what I could gather kodi libretro was purposefully removed).
Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but is there any news about this?
I recently started my efforts to put together the gaming section on my Linux Kodi, but it's really missing a few bits...

What do you mean with "purposefully removed"?
@garbear  ^^^

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