DIsabled CEC-Adapter in Kodi yet unable to run CEC-Tray while Kodi is running.
Hello all, sorry for my haste post, I'm new to Kodi and have not much experience in IT.

Like the title states, I have disabled the CEC-Adapter in Kodi.
I primarily would like to have CEC-Tray and Kodi running simultaneously, and use windows 10 standby and resume as that works well with CEC-Tray.

Any help please.
From this site, I note (*) Requires the Pulse-Eight USB-CEC adapter. Check if your HDTV supports HDMI-CEC. I didn't see any dates in reference to how old the software is, but it looks like support links are broken. In some of the information on that page it does mention XBMC support, but that was years ago. If CEC - Tray doesn't work out of the box, (I would think that CEC control would have to be initiated) support in this windows forum is going to be like roosters teeth.

I'll move this post to https://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=254 in which are other CEC posts.
cec-tray crashes with Kodi: https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/cec-dotnet/issues/15
(2023-05-30, 22:05)baza_dwa Wrote: cec-tray crashes with Kodi: https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/cec-dotnet/issues/15

it looks like that project died 3 years ago so that probably doesnt help anything
This is a piece of software that supports hardware they still sell. Also, I got actually some response from their support.
I don't have high hopes though.

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DIsabled CEC-Adapter in Kodi yet unable to run CEC-Tray while Kodi is running.0