Kodi/EMM database discrepancies
Looking for advice on how to address this situation.
  1. Kodi (19.4), after a fresh library update, shows 2913 movies in the library
  2. EMM (1.11.x) shows 3065 movies
  3. The Kodi interface is enabled in modules, when I scrape a new movie in EMM it gets created in the Kodi library as well, this has been the case for two, three, maybe four years?
  4. I have Kodi's Movies source set to "Local Information Only" for the scraper and I use EMM to create the NFO file for each movie
  5. If I do an actual count of NFO files in the paths that are part of the Movies source, there are 3068 NFO files present
  6. So neither Kodi's movie count nor EMM's is correct, but EMM's is very close

I've tried "clean database" in Kodi and then a re-scan, I've even deleted the Movies source and recreated it which forced a rescan.  Always results in 2913 movies.  I've tried an "Update Library" from EMM via the Kodi module and still get 2913 movies in Kodi.  I've also painstakingly verfied in EMM that no Movies are duplicated.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to correct this situation?

Oh, my Kodi database is in MySQL and has been for years (since 2014 or so), I have multiple Kodi clients running on multiple devices all connected to MySQL.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Could be the problem that Ember does recognize movies with "xy part 1" in the movie name as multipart video file even if only one video file exists. In this case the NFO gets the wrong (stacked) file name from Ember. Kodi is a little bit better in this case and search for a second video file with a "xy part 2" in the same folder and does stack it only if a second files has been found. This is a known bug in Ember and can be solved if you remove "part" from the stacking list. Search for the pinned "Advanced Settings" thread in this sub forum for more information.

It's also possible that Ember creates NFO files for trailers or extras if you named it incorrectly.

It's very difficult to find the exact issues without more information. I'm in the hospital until tomorrow so I can't reqlly help you today.
Thank you for your reply, Dan, and it isn't a critical issue, just one I would like to resolve as part of some general clean-up I'm doing on my Movies and Music libraries (TV Shows don't exhibit the issue and the Music library cleanup has been tag-related).

I'm pretty certain I don't have any Movies with filenames that include "Part 1" but I'll verify that today.  I have, as part of my troubleshooting, confirmed that there are no NFO files in any of the Extras folders, only the one NFO in each Movie directory.

I'll post back with confirmation on the filenames with "Part X."

Is there other information I could provide that would be useful?

I used to have some SQL facility and, although rusty, think I could query both the MySQL (actually MariaDB) and EMM databases for paths/files, load the results into a spreadsheet app, do a VLOOKUP (or equivalent) on the results to identify the files that are showing in EMM but not in Kodi, but that sounds a little arduous and I thought I'd check here first.

Thanks again!
I think the fastest ways is to find 2 or 3 movies that are not represented in Kodi or Ember to check what the issue could be.

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