What causes Kodi to sometimes start with taskbar still visible and how to prevent it?
Sometimes Kodi starts semi-fullscreen where the taskbar is still showing. I don't know why and am starting Kodi just like all the other times (most of the times it starts with proper fullscreen).

Whenever I have that issue it persists for many restarts. Usually it can be solved by simply closing and restarting Kodi many times. The last time this happened it went away after starting some video which played in fullscreen...even after restarting Kodi the taskbar was hidden, maybe this was the solution earlier too instead of restarting Kodi multiple times.

I'm running Kodi v 19.1 on Debian11/KDE with Wayland. This thread seems related.

Is this a known or common problem? How to prevent this? (Alternatively, how to find out the cause to prevent it?)

In the logs there is
INFO <general>: CreateNewWindow: Starting full screen size
and I don't have any other window set to be always on top / keep above others. Maybe this KDE bug is related. Any help is appreciated.
Having this same problem again, it doesn't go away when starting a video/movie in fullscreen.
Happened to me once or twice under windows.
Fixed it by using ALT GR + \ to toggle between windowed and fullscreen mode.

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What causes Kodi to sometimes start with taskbar still visible and how to prevent it?0