Parsing/Filtering multiple M3U and creating a custom online M3U (PHP?)
I'm looking for a solution to combine the relevant well maintained Live TV streams online M3U Playlists, filter the (few) interesting channels out of them and adding at least one local Live TV stream and then create a new custom M3U online (on my Apache/PHP server) which can be used in various Kodi instances.
While I have some experience with HTML/CSS, for PHP/Javascript I have only basic "tweaking" capability based on good documentation/examples. Only since some weeks I use Kodi/M3U TV Playlists and do not yet know much about the syntax.
I searched on Github (m3u, parser, php) and the web but did not find a solution which seems "easy" enough to tweak to my needs.

So I would like to ask for suggestions on possibly fitting solutions. Thx

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Parsing/Filtering multiple M3U and creating a custom online M3U (PHP?)0