Release Headless Kodi Docker Container
(2024-01-16, 16:34)denogginizer Wrote: Love the Kodi Headless Docker container, but having one issue...

The vfs.rar-temp has to be manually cleaned on a regular basis as it fills up with files like "2.3G    rarfolderf4qXbB", so I end up with 100gb of data per week filling my SSD.

I manually cleaned it about 7 days ago and it now looks like this:

kodi_headless/temp/addons/vfs.rar-temp# du -s -h
101G    .

Am I doing something wrong here?
Not really a fix, but if anyone else has this issue, this is what I did. (Basically just renamed or deleted the rars)

Move into one of the Kodi folders:
cd /srv/mergerfs/media_pool/Media/Movies

Where are the rars
find . -name "*.rar" -type f

Extracted the rars that needed it.

To delete the rars:
find . -name "*.rar" -type f -delete

To rename the rars:
find . -name "*.rar" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%.rar}.rar.bak"' _ {} \;
(2024-01-25, 16:57)denogginizer Wrote: Not really a fix, but if anyone else has this issue

actually the fix would be to not put your media into rar files in the first place, rar is not a media container format
i don't understand going to the effort and additional work of putting it into rar files just to complain about it later
Thanks for the container!

I'm running Nexus on my QNAP NAS (x64 with QTS 5.1.5) via Container Station 3.0 mainly as DLNA server (unfortunately Kodi doesn't serve pictures) and it works quite well. In some clients like BubbleUPnP music album covers only appear after some refreshes (maybe some timeout issue?). Control via YATSE works great as with normal Kodi.

Though, I couldn't get the DLNA server reliably detectable (due to the random port selection) with the default NAT mode, even with all ports mapped I couldn't get it working. So I had to use bridge mode and gave the server its own IP address in my home network. As this wasn't trivial to figure out (not really documented), here is how it can be done without having to fiddle around in the Container Station after each pull again. Hope it helps the QNAP NAS users.

Here is how my docker compose file looks like. The most important part is in network* sections:
version: '2.4'

    image: matthuisman/kodi-headless:Nexus
    container_name: kodi-headless
      - PUID=<uid>
      - PGID=<gid>
      - MYSQL_HOST=<ip-address1>
      - MYSQL_USER=<user>
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=<password>
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
    - /share/<kodi_home_share>/:/config/.kodi
  network_mode: bridge
    # see networks below
      ipv4_address: <ip-address2>
    - 8191:8191 # web-ui server
    - 9090:9090 # web-socket server (json-rpc)
    - 9777:9777/udp # event server
  restart: unless-stopped

  # Note: Get qnet-static-eth0- from "docker network ls"
    external: true
The Container Station creates a virtual adapter in the QTS virtual switch and gives it a random name. This name can be queried on ssh via "docker network ls" and needs to be set under networks.

I also had then to change the port for the web-ui server because 8080 is already used by the NAS administration web server. This port also needs to be set in advancedsettings.xml accordingly:
I've been using this container now for over a year with no issues - however, I have just encountered a new issue - I've reccently moved to a new home server machine and now when I spin up the headless kodi container, it won't read from the MyVideos121 db and is instead creating a MyVideos131 db - I've never seen this before and cannot seem to find a way to fix it...can anyone help me here?  I'm super lost and my perfect home media db is now sitting useless :/. HELP!!
Sounds like you're using the wrong container image (i.e. not Nexus, but Omega) - Kodi DB versions are here:

...but unfortunately the Omega versions aren't listed yet as its still in Beta stage...
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
oh man - what a rookie error - you were 100% correct - a few weeks back I dabbled with Omega but forgot to change it back!!  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
Replying to:

Kind of late on this, but I don't put any media that I want to see into rar files. That would be stupid. However, there were some rar files of versions of music albums (remasters, etc) that I did not want to be listed to avoid confusion with duplicates. That was the problem. Just replying in case anyone else has the same problem Smile
kawuwaqoqo.kodi (paste) (full error log)

After update to Omega, Kodi Headless will not start with the error in the log "EXCEPTION: Error: Window is NULL, this is not possible :-)" and in the console "Segmentation fault".

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! thank you Smile
interesting, i use the omega headless without issue.
I wonder whats different.
Maybe a service your using that im not.
ill investigate
So, that error comes from the Kodi Python dialog interface

Do you think one of your addons is trying to show a dialog?

Ideally the headless could somehow handle this.
I didnt expect it to kill Kodi
My guess it's one of those watchdog/monitor type things, doing a library scan, and hitting a movie version, new for Omega...because that pops up a dialogue (unfortunately)

If you run scans on another system with a GUI, you might be able to get past that bit (i.e. have the versions all added) - and then be ok (until the next version comes along, at least!).
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
The versions popup is off by default in v21.
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(2024-05-02, 04:06)matthuisman Wrote: So, that error comes from the Kodi Python dialog interface

Do you think one of your addons is trying to show a dialog?

Ideally the headless could somehow handle this.
I didnt expect it to kill Kodi
Thank you for the response. I'll try to disable add-ons and see how it goes and report back if there is success.
(2024-05-02, 16:35)CrystalP Wrote: The versions popup is off by default in v21.

Ah good point.  Forgot that.  I was remembering it popping up with earlier dev versions I think...
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
worse case, I can add more headless patch to stub out all the addon dialog code as well

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