v19 New build crashing on library.data.provider
I am encountering an issue installing Kodi 19.3 on an Nvidia Shield Pro (2019).  The SHIELD Android TV SW Version is 9.1.1.

The steps are:
1) On installing a fresh instance of 19.3, Kodi works a treat straight out of the box.
2) I scrape a number of albums using the Universal Album/Artist scrappers to load some music details in, and again, this works as expected.
3) Then I download Aeon Nox: SiLVO skin and just after the install completes Kodi crashes.
4) Thereafter, whenever I launch Kodi, it crashes after just a few seconds after starting.

I thought the issue was the skin, but on further troubleshooting, discovered that library.data.provider 0.4.1 appears to be the culprit.  I can replicate the crashing issue by repeating 1) & 2) above then just installing the library.data.provider add-on.  Once the add-on finishes installing, Kodi crashes - and crashes (after a few seconds) each time I relaunch the app.  Here is the log that drops on restarting the app.

I saw a suggestion that installing library.data.provider 0.4.2 might work, but still get the same issue.  I also tried installing Kodi 19.5 but alas the same result.   In the meantime I have rolled back to 18.9, where all is good.

Any thoughts on what I could try to resolve?
The provided log file is not a debug-enabled log file, so there is only trivial info it and not anything related to the library.data.provider add-on.
Enable debugging via the advancedsettings.xml file, so it is enabled from the start. I'm not sure if the culprit is linked to the Aeon skin, but if it works well without the Aeon skin, then there is a different problem to dive into.

Then again, right now you are already back to Kodi 18.9 ...?
Thanks Klojum.  Am just cleaning up my 18.9 rebuild.  Once I have that sorted, I will recreate a new 19. build and rerun the logging as you suggest (gotta love backups).

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New build crashing on library.data.provider0