Color management option missing in Raspberry-pi
i have calibrated my pc monior which has icc or 3dlut file...i want to add icc or 3dlut in my raspberry pi onto kodi so that i can watch in calibrated settings..
i searched everywhere there is no option for it to add it in raspberry pi

but this option is availble in Windows pc...but not in PI....anyone know any workaround or did i install wrong version... help me please....
Even the Pi 4 is way too weak for shader based colour correction. It is not available.
Oh...I just bought Raspberry for this purpose guess I have to return it....does anyone know any portable device that supports 3dlut correction Huh
Causes all I need portable media player like raspberry
I'm not sure if a newer Intel NUC would suffice, but I would rather get an AMD APU. But I don't use this, so I can't give you any advice on the hardware/software state.

Some SOCs do support a colour LUT, but I think this has not been wired up in the Linux kernel. But I think Linux can output YUV directly, so the mapping could be done by the display.

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Color management option missing in Raspberry-pi0