The time when the elements should disappear
(2023-02-20, 21:35)jjd-uk Wrote: Note that deleting Player.HasPerformedSeek completely would mean the up/down arrow seeks don't the display seekbar as those only seem to be true for Player.HasPerformedSeek.
Yes, unfortunately I found that out and was just about to post it to you - no Seek bar display for the up-down arrows.
And that's pretty annoying - no visual check that a time jump is occurring.
(2023-02-20, 21:46)jjd-uk Wrote: Ok I'm understanding exactly what you want to do now, but that's not so easy. Will need to think on it.
Thanks so much for trying. I'll try to search further too - but I think my superficial knowledge of Kodi xml won't be enough.
I'll look forward to seeing if you can figure it out eventually.
But if not - it's not about life.
The difficulty is prolonging the label more than the seek is active, as it's only meant to be displayed while the seek is occuring, so to be honest I'm not sure it's even possible so I'll need to have a play arounds so it may take a few days for me to get back to you. That's assuming hitcher or anyone else doesn't come up with some trick before me.
(2023-02-20, 22:07)jjd-uk Wrote: The difficulty is prolonging the label more than the seek is active
I don't know if this helps, but as I wrote: with the up-down arrow (where I have set the time jump for 10 minutes), the display time is the same for everything - i.e. Progress bar + time data in the middle + word Seek+1:0 on the left.
Just as it would be nice to have this even when using the left-right arrow.

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The time when the elements should disappear0