[Failed: HDHR stream not available]
I have Kodi version build 20.0
Running with nextpvr 6.1.2
Running with 1.1.412.0

When I set the timer in Kodi it generally does not work.  If I go into nextpvr "Recent Recordings" it will generally say [Failed: HDHR stream not available].  Note sometimes Kodi will record the show and it will not say [Failed: HDHR stream not available].

Below is what I think is the kodi log file:

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I left off I am using HDHomeRun version 1.1.412.0
Probably does not matter, when I in NextPVR "Recent Recordings" the time was off by 1 hour, when I clicked on the time that had failed to record, now it's to the correct time.  After that Kodi has started two shows successfully.
I expect it not to work again (it does that, when i am clinking around, it will work 1 time, then back to it's old tricks of not working).  I will update this with if it recorded or not tommorow.

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[Failed: HDHR stream not available]0