Album Art Not Displaying in Music
Due to a glitch on my nVidia Shield Pro I uninstalled and reinstalled Kodi.  Prior to this album art was showing correctly, after re-install the album art no longer appears, only the image of a blank file folder.  Generally my file structure is Music/<artist>/<album> and in each <album> subfolder I have a file named folder.jpg containing an image of the album cover.  I searched the music database and did see the folder.jpg files appropriately.  In the Music section of Media Settings, I do identify only local art and prior to loading the music data did empty the database.  Unfortunately I have not been able to solve this problem on my own, searching the web and help, but to no avail.

Anyone there have some ideas?

I made some progress on my problem. For the image to display I have to manually modify the path of the image in the "art" table of the "mymusic82" database.
If I change the image by kodi, nothing happens and the path in the database is not updated... for other artists it works normally.
I would start by reviewing the information in the pertinent wiki section here if you haven't already.
Did that - no help.

The problem seems to be confined to either my nVidia Shield Pro or to Kodi 20.1 for Android TV.  I have no problems with the Windows or Android versions of Kodi - only the one on that doesn't recognize Folder.jpg as a thumbnail file is the version on my nVidia.

I even did a factory restore on the Shield box, reloaded Kodi and reloaded my music library - same result.

I then wrote a VBA Sub to copy each Folder.jpg file in my music folders to a thumbnail.jpg file in the same folder - THAT WORKED.  Now I'm seeing the album art - Kodi is just not recognizing the Folder.jpg files as album art, though the SAME files in the same folders named thumbnail.jpg work.

Still can't figure why though ...

Thanks for the reply.
(2023-05-20, 05:05)SilverStrand1105 Wrote: Folder.jpg
Artwork filenames are case sensitive. Needs to be all lower-case ... folder.jpg
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Thanks - this explains a lot. 

Appreciate the time and effort.

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Album Art Not Displaying in Music0