Solved V20.0+ Profile switch results in hang on logout after SMB shares added
NOTE: I've created this post for visibility.  The bug report has been created
Tested on Kodi version: 20.0, 20.1, 20.2, 21.0-Omega_alpha2-arm64-v8a on NVidia Shield (2019 Pro)
Problem does not exist on 19.5 clean install.

After fresh install on NVidia Shield (2019 pro), an easily replicated hang occurs when exiting an added profile with content scanned in.
Additionally, browse for new share looses the share visibility that was created after this hang/exit issue (or thereabouts), but seems to still have access to the directory (to continue scans, but not to use it for additional scans of another directory).

Issue results in a lock/hang when exiting a profile with content (other than Master), showing just the profile background with a clock.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
  1. Any version of Kodi (Android 64v8a) after 20.0 inclusive, clean install. (19.5 works normally)
  2. Immediately create 2 sub profiles (all options to separate/start fresh) from master.
  3. Log off Master and switch to each new profile to enable.
  4. Optionally exit/start Kodi again. Switch to first new profile.
  5. Options/media/video/add videos/browse/add network location/Windows SMB share using ip/share folder/user/passwd/ok
  6. Select your share and scan in a small test media directory using an info provider (I use music videos with theaudiodb - music videos).
  7. Back out and exit app.
  8. Start again, Log in to new profile with scanned data, then to log off current profile = hang on empty screen with the clock the only thing on the screen. Must force app exit from Android to move on - restarting will return to master profile (which can always be switched out ok).
If anyone has suggestions (for more info, etc), potential fixes, updated nightly to test, or wish to discuss, I can assist. 
A heads up/bump for anyone else who comes across this in a fresh install.
Problem still exists in the latest nightlies and seems to exist in Linux as well, at least.
A fix was attempted by @joseluismarti (thanks for having a crack at it BTW) but the problem lays deeper in some multi thread lock issues by the look.

A few other strange things discovered out of this (noted in the bug report):
First run on updated version locks again when switching from SMB loaded profile.  Kill app, then Kodi loads default empty master profile.
Switch to SMB loaded profile, allow full scan.  Exit and start Kodi again.  Next switch from SMB loaded profile to another now works.
EDIT (or lost ability to edit on previous post, sorry):
After further testing updated version, the lockups still happen switching profile, more often than not.  Will have to stick with 19.5 while this bug exists.
Hello cods1969, Hello developers,

I can now fully confirm the above described behaviour and the mentioned corelation to the SMB-shares!

Had some time during the last two (holi-)days, and I also was in the mood to test it out with my brand new FireTV Cube (3rd generation) Santa left me under my tree ;-)

My Setup/My steps to reproduce:
  • Amazon FireTV Cube (3rd generation) (Android, FireOS fully patched)
  • Kodi Nexus 20.2 (ARM7A 32bit)
  • Fresh and clean install as described in first post of this thread (without any addons)
  • I set up 4 profiles (some with and some without PIN / all profiles with independent/uncoupled share-settings)
  • Accounts without SMB shares can leave their session by using the Logoff-entry via Power-button-menu (I can confirm this!)
  • Exactly in that moment when I set up an SMB-share (IP + user/pass + successful connection-test) in one of those profiles, this profile is immediately unable to leave via the Logoff-menu-entry behind the Power-button-icon
  • (tested it 2 times by completely uninstalling the Kodi App itself and cleaning the app-folders)

Since months I'm just annoyed by the following work-around which I figured out once to switch the profiles anyway:
(this works on my new FireTV Cube as well as on my two old FireTV Sticks 4K (1st generation) since Kodi 20.0)
  1. Load into a profile with SMB shares
  2. Click the cog-/gear-icon (settings) right from the power-icon
  3. Navigate to the "Profiles"-icon (last row, 2nd from the right in the default-skin / Estuary-skin)
  4. Here I have to type in my Master-PIN (since one profile got an individual PIN)
  5. Navigate (on the left menu) to "Profiles"-entry (on the main screen you'll see now all profiles with huge person-icons)
  6. Just navigate to the one you want to switch to (only navigate! do not click!)
  7. On this profile-icon you'll need now to click the menu-button on your remote to open the context-menu (I don't know how this works on a NVIDIA Shield device - on the  FireTV remote it is the button right from the home button - the one with these three stacked horizontal lines)
  8. In the context menu choose "Load Profile"
  9. Kodi switches successfully to the desired profile
Actually, I wanted to test this also with 21.0 (Omega, Alpha 2), but since I read, that you tested it already I'm not sure if I'm motivated enough... Undecided

Is there already a reported issue/bug at github related to this post? I couldn't find any quickly... Maybe I can do that later...
Tested it now with 21.0 (Omega / Beta 2): Same behaviour.

Found no other bug/issue at github, so I commented your first issue at to maybe create some attention.

I also think that is a dead-end, and the problem has to do something with the SMB-driver - maybe an open connection or something like that...
(2023-12-28, 02:11)DerTommek Wrote: Tested it now with 21.0 (Omega / Beta 2): Same behaviour.

Found no other bug/issue at github, so I commented your first issue at to maybe create some attention.

I also think that is a dead-end, and the problem has to do something with the SMB-driver - maybe an open connection or something like that...
Thanks for getting involved DerTommek.  I look far less insane wanting this feature to work when others chime in Big Grin
Seems strange there are such a small number of people using profiles that it's a forgotten bug, but there you go. 
Hopefully the more people hose their Kodi install and start fresh, the more find out. 
(The reason I say that is I had one shield with a very old incremental install - possibly 16 or 17 - which had updated to 20+ and was still switching profiles ok.  I could not replicate this though, forcing older apk's on and upgrading.)
I've recently noticed some add-ons failing (possibly starting to get out of date on 19.5, specifically youtube official addon) and it prompted me to revisit this issue and try again with a latest RC2 of v21, both 'over the top' install (of a 19.5 working version) and a clean install as per the OP.
OTT install "initially" seemed to go ok, until an exit of kodi, restart Kodi and log out ready to switch profile - same hang issue with just the clock.  Again, have to kill the process to try again.
Fun fact and new discovery - when trying the second time, I logged in to Master (no smb connections and only one add-on, Backup).
>>>>Master logs out ok!?!<<<< I can repeatedly log in and out of Master without issues.

None of the profiles which have smb files scanned log out clean (same clock hang), with one exception.
NOTE: all profiles have quite large libraries scanned in so there is a bit of TOC/index loading when each one is switched.
  • One of the profiles I logged out very quickly from on the initial load (after the OTT install) allowed log out to the profile menu.  After logging the same profile in again and waiting for 20 seconds resulted in the same clock hang.
I'll post again with the test of the fresh install of v21RC2, but I don't hold a lot of hope for that as it's pretty clear the issue is re-introduced with the latest RC.  I'll also post this update in the bug tracker after the clean install test.
Confirmed problem still exists on fresh install with latest V21 RC2. 
Just wondering (and not a dig, just a question), should I be concerned profiles are going to be phased out of Kodi?  There does not seem to be a lot of eyes on it.
Thumbs Up 
Smile  It seems as though the problem has been addressed in nightlies. 24883 (PR)  Great news dev's and thankyou.  Nod
Specifically, kodi-20240328-122a3696-master-arm64-v8a.apk works when switching profiles with an over-the-top test install.
Doing further tests with clean install.
Will continue to update this thread until the PR makes it in to a released version.
Clean install works and switches profiles!  Awesome stuff.
Again - will close when a released version has this PR backported (and to which release it has been applied).
Thanks again to all contributors to getting this one fixed.  Cool
Great news - V21 Release version has the fix included.
Mods can mark this thread as solved - thanks to all that were involved in testing/confirming/fixing this issue.  Very much appreciated.
Thread marked solved.
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Unfortunately, I'm seeing hangs on profile log-out with the 21 release.

Yet to dig in to the cause but sounds just like this...

Am using Coreelec with mainly NFS shares but I also have a couple SMB ones...
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
(2024-04-07, 13:24)bossanova808 Wrote: Unfortunately, I'm seeing hangs on profile log-out with the 21 release.

Yet to dig in to the cause but sounds just like this...

Am using Coreelec with mainly NFS shares but I also have a couple SMB ones...
Hi mate - I'm happy to re-open the closed issue for you if you want to run with it from here?
All I know is this specific problem has been there since anything past 19.5 on a clean install with Android (Shields are what I care most about).
Probably worth a clean test with your setup just to be sure it's not an over-the-top grandfathered bug, but like I said, I can re-open the bug on the tracker if you wish.
Cheers from Brunswick mate.  Always love your work BTW.
I'm good - I removed a lingering SMB share and am not seeing the hangs any more (although the logouts are, as ever, slow, and perhaps even slower than they were...) - I'll make a nice tidy new report if need be!

(And 'ola from North Melbs!)
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.

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V20.0+ Profile switch results in hang on logout after SMB shares added0