password reset for forum.
Hi, I don't think you've quite made your password reset process thoroughly annoying enough can you try and make it a little bit more annoying, its not a bank.. ffs
(2023-11-19, 23:09)mclingo Wrote: Hi, I don't think you've quite made your password reset process thoroughly annoying enough can you try and make it a little bit more annoying, its not a bank.. ffs

this is the "Windows General Support" section

you are looking for the "Website and Forum Issues or Suggestions" section -


What problem are you experiencing?
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Maybe the captcha he got was difficult to decipher, like the one I got today. A garbled picture with washed-out animals, where you should decide which one was unique; really difficult to spot.
Can you decide what kind of captchas you allow during the process?

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