Kodi Add-ons no longer work after updating python modules
Good morning,
And thank you for your work on KODI which I have been using for about 10 years now on Ubuntu.
Friday December 8, updates were available via the official repositories, which I agreed to install.
This affected python modules ("Future", "Six" and others) after installation, add-ons like "Gistmeteo", "Youtube", "Catchup tv" stopped working and KODI returned an error like :

SyntaxError: future feature annotations is not defined 2023-12-10 07:27:19.535 T:1971 ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException):
-->Python callback/script returned the following error<-- -
<class 'SyntaxError'> Error Contents: future feature annotations is not defined (__init__.py, line 5)

Thinking of an installation problem, I uninstalled the add-ons and dependencies then reinstalled everything. Without success.
My system being up to date on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, I upgraded to 20.04 LTS. Without success.
I removed python 2.7 and the packages that use it and defaulted to python 3.8. Without success.

ebabicejuw.kodi (paste)

Honestly, I don't know what to do anymore.

My system: Kodi (19.4 (19.4.0) Git:20220304-e12e66e019).
Platform: Linux x86 64-bit Using Release Kodi x64 Kodi compiled 2022-03-04 by GCC 7.5.0 for Linux x86 64-bit version 4.15.18 (266002)
Running on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS, kernel: Linux x86 64-bit version 5.4.0-169-generic
FFmpeg version/source: 4.3.2-Kodi Host CPU: Intel® Core™ i3-3225 CPU @ 3.30GHz, 4 cores available

Thanking you in advance for your help,
where did you install Kodi from? try Flatpack or PPA
Good afternoon,
I did install KODI from PPA. I always use the official packages.

Best regards,
Are you sure? the PPA has kodi 20 for ubuntu 20.4. you must be on ubuntu build that has python3.6 embedded.
Yes i am sure. I have this distribution : https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/focal . And it is KODI 19.4 which is available in the repositories. Do you think that an upgraded version of KODI could solve the problem?

Best Regards,
seems like when you upgraded from ubuntu 18 to 20 the PPA didnt update and you are stuck on the old Kodi build for ubuntu 18. try removing the PPA and adding it back focal repo and updating kodi.
When posting python problems don't just post the exception, but also need to see the whole addon invocation log that shows the sys.path and sys.argv that Kodi uses to initialize the script.  Don't know linux at all, but it looks like Kodi is getting an old version of __future__, probably from your system.

scott s.
Good afternoon,
and thank you for your emails because it allowed me to think and find the solution.
The problem is now resolved.
@V8MEM, clarification: when I migrated from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, I then had a version of KODI upgraded to 19.03 to 19.04 and therefore I thought that we could not install version 20 of KODI.
So I followed the procedure here: https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-inst...ntu-linux/ and therefore after updating the repositories and installing KODI 20 then still other packages to be consistent; it works perfectly.

@scott967, it is indeed an update of the python modules including "Future" with the suffix "_Matrix" which created problems while I had KODI 19.04 "Matrix".

We can close the ticket.

Best regard, Sylvain77

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Kodi Add-ons no longer work after updating python modules0