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Reset single EPG channel

After the latest update, I cant play videos and the EPG clears after a couple of hours, despite days of content. It's a smart playlist channel. Many of the videos are combined.

I use Mediaelch to create NFO files. In Mediaelch, I noticed the duration for those videos was 0. I rescraped and added correct durations. I cleared all the data in Pseudo settings and repopulated the entire EPG. That one channel is the same. I added the same playlist to a new channel, same results. I would paste a log but the Haste won't save. 
Is there an option to reset one channel without clearing the entire guide?

Not possible to "reset" a single EPG channel...

EPG clears after a couple of hours? are you running Kodi all the time or occasionally?  PseudoTV Live can only keep channels updated if its left running.
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
It's always on.

EPG clear.. Just the one channel is empty not the entire guide.

If I click the empty channel a "Thanks for ordering" screen appears followed by Pseudo static display. It shuffles back and forth until it crashes Kodi.
(2024-05-08, 22:06)teedo42 Wrote: It's always on.

EPG clear.. Just the one channel is empty not the entire guide.

If I click the empty channel a "Thanks for ordering" screen appears followed by Pseudo static display. It shuffles back and forth until it crashes Kodi.

"Thanks for ordering"? Is that the name of your channel? I'd need a log to further help you.
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
No, it's ESPN+. I am unable to save the log in hastebin. Is there another site that's used?

I was wrong, about the duration being empty. It's the runtime that's empty. The durations are in the NFO but not runtimes. I added correct runtimes, re-scanned file folder, cleared xml/m3u setting and reset the data. The missing channel is filled and the combined videos play. I updated to 4.9N and no problems.

I would like to add my own trailers, bumpers etc.  Is this possible yet? If so, how?

Thanks for your work.
Hi Teedo, Trailers and Bumpers are coming together. In the fillers section I have enabled PreRoll and PostRoll, and set them both at 100%. I get the occasional pre roll, which looks really cool, the PTVL bumpers look great as does the Kodi Bumpers, and It is easy to add your own. 
The PostRoll is brilliant, as it seems to throw in trailers for the movies in my Library. You need the Pseudo Trailers and Bumpers addons from the Lunatixz Repository, once there you will see them all.
Each of these in the AddOns folder has a Resource folder where you can stick your own content. I don't think they are working 100% yet, but are well and truly on their way and what is going now looks brilliant.
I have disable the IMDB Trailers as they add alot of Foreign trailers, which might be great but I don't speak Hindi, so Indian trailers are not much good to me, a lot of them, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an option to select language in the app.
Hope that gives you some help.

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Reset single EPG channel0