Ripping CD stops when title has a / in it

I tried to rip a CD for which freedb delivered a slash in the title tag of the second track. The rip process stopped at this track - no crash, it just ripped the first track and then stopped. Manually selecting only the other tracks and ripping them one by one worked.

I was at a friend's home at the time, don't have a debug log, don't have a Windows here, and can't even remember the artist/title of the CD. It wasn't an SVN build, either, only the regular Atlantis Beta 2 for Windows. Oh, it was Windows XP.

I guess the folks over at the bug report forum won't be happy with such a "bug report"? Or should I dare it?

Please post a trac ticket if it's reproducible, with a debug log whilst your attempting to rip said track.
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Thank you for your very fast answer, but I'm afraid I can't get the debug log, as I don't have a Windows machine here and XBMC Live doesn't seem to be able to rip audio CDs at the moment.

I searched through my local (non-XBMC) ~/.cddb folder to find a track with a slash in its title, but there is none. There is always only one slash in the TTITLE* entries, not more, like

TTITLE0=Peter Fox / Alles Neu

and nothing like

TTITLE0=artist / title with / in the track name

Thank you for your work, XBMC is really great!

Please post a track ticket with the exact information we need to reproduce.

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Ripping CD stops when title has a / in it0