don't understand how xbmc manage refresh rates
I'm very confused.
How xbmc gets refresh rate when is called at fulls screenmode?

I set at windows desktop, in ATI CONTROL CENTER (ati hd3200) 50 hz or 60 hz, I apply, and I set an option called 3d/fullscreen apps = "same as desktop". With this, I wait that xbmc takes the refresh rate that I specify for desktop, but not. When I enter to xbmc, and go to Info system option (at shutdown menu), the graphic cards shows another values.... Sometimes changes at same as desktop (50 or 60 hz), sometimes didn't changes (still the old value).

Now with some tests changing between 50hz or 60hz in ATI CONTROL CENTER, I see at xbmc system config, with 720p xbmc resolution, I have 30 hz is the refresh rate from the graphic card (and at menu, debug info on top, show 30fps). If i put 1080i, refresh rate is down to 15 Hz (and menu works at 15 fps).......

How that's posible? My plasma does not suport that Hz... only 50/60 at 720,1080, etc...

Please help. Thanks
The number you're seeing in the debug info there is the renderer FPS, not display FPS. Kinda like how if you're playing a video game, you're getting say 93FPS but your display is still 60Hz or whatever.

I can't tell you why you're seeing the refresh rate sometime being one thing, sometimes another though. XBMC doesn't request a specific refresh rate, just resolution and color depth. It needs some improvement in that area, but it is in the works.
The top debug info, shows me fps, not refresh rate... I know.

Refresh rate that I said at my post, is the refresh rate that shows xbmc at system info, called from shutdown menu. Here I see 50hz, 60hz, 30hz or 15 hz (when I switch to 1080p), at the Graphic card line of info.

How can I change or force this refresh rate? I have problems of JITTERY video (see this another problem at this thread=> I discover that at this supossed 30 HZ video playing is better, but I don't understand how to change this refresh rate inside xbmc, and how is posible that my PLASMA works at this refresh rate if my plasma tv does not support this.

Top debug info, shows fps, and at menu, this fps, are equal than refresh rate. If refresh rate that I see at system info is 30 hz, at menu top debug info shows 30 fps. If I play a video, I see at debug info the video fps (for example, hd movie, 24 fps, pal divx 25 fps, etc).


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don't understand how xbmc manage refresh rates0