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MediaStream Skin Feature Requests
i'm missing the "seen/unseen" icons in coverflow mode for movies and tv-shows.

any chance you might add them there, too? since it is my favorite mode when it comes to design, but i really like to see i.e. which tv episodes i've already watched.

cheers,azido :;):
azido Wrote:i'm missing the "seen/unseen" icons in coverflow mode for movies and tv-shows.

any chance you might add them there, too? since it is my favorite mode when it comes to design, but i really like to see i.e. which tv episodes i've already watched.


Well spotted i had not noticed the missing watched/unwatched overlay textures in coverflow mode it must be an oversight.

could this be added at some point please or give us some pointers as to how to do it our selves?Big Grin
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox

I have my albums displayed in Wall Stream view, which is fantastic! by the way. Would it possible to add an option to shuffle the view of the albums from alphabetical to just a random shuffle....sometimes when I go to choose an album I always end up choosing from the first half of the alphabet, as I don't get any further before I decide to listen to something.

Just an idea.

With the current Mediastream skin, music queuing doesn't show any visual cue that a file has been tagged, and you need to switch back and forth between the playlist screen and regular screen if you forget which has been tagged. My request would be to change a song's color to show its queued status, with a number overlay to show its position in the queue. If it's queued more than once, it would have multiple numbers. I'll also request an "unqueue" key so you can remove a song w/o having to go into the playlist screen and hit Delete.

The XBMC shuffle (via the "Random" function) seems broken to me. In a 10-song CD folder, it doesn't always play all of the song before quitting. Also, the Shuffle turns itself off after each play, so you have to turn it back on. Not sure if this is a XBMC thing or a skin thing.

My suggestion is to have two Shuffle modes: shuffle-once and shuffle-repeat. The modes should work automatically within a playlist if one is active, or traverse the whole listing if no playlist.
I have a couple of issues with font handling in Mediastream: they're too small (or too big in some cases), and they can't handle Vietnamese characters. To kill two birds with one stone, and also to solve the HD/SD legibility issue, I'd suggest allowing the customizing of font size for each screen. This would require more flexible layouts that can accomodate size changes to some degree.

I'm not sure why Mediastream uses three different font types (Arial, Default, AltDefault) when all three look pretty similar to me (they're all san serif types). This, in combo with two hardwired sizes, then separate 4:3 and 16:9 ARs, make for 24 different combinations. If there is just one fontset with user-customizable size change, then you have only one combo to deal with. KISS.
I think this is more a XBMC thing, but no reason why a skin can't handle the problem: A virtual keyboard with switchable focus between the input box and the vKB itself, so you can use the cursor keys for alpha input.
I know its been brought up before but the virtual keyboard would be a huge help. Just getting hte arrows to work would be amazing.
I don't know if you guys are following the HD Video Flagging thread and the code isn't in yet, but I'd like to get an early vote in for having 720/1080 DD/DTS 5.1/2.0/1.0 overlays in the video library and player Smile
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nice to meet you all.
tony47ch Wrote:nice to meet you all.
Welcome newbie to the best xbmc forum in the world
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Just registered. First of all I want to say how lovely the Mediastream skin is, big compliment for the Razorfish Team!

I have a suggestion which I miss in the skin. In the Mayham Project skin there is an option which makes it possible to autostart a playlist when XBMC turns on (you can find the option under skin options). In the Mediastream skin this isn't possible yet. I would love to have a feature which makes it possible to autostart some music when I turn my xbox on, this way I don't need to turn my TV on to get everything started.

Thanks for your work!
CapnBry Wrote:I don't know if you guys are following the HD Video Flagging thread and the code isn't in yet, but I'd like to get an early vote in for having 720/1080 DD/DTS 5.1/2.0/1.0 overlays in the video library and player Smile

Huge vote from me!!! And yes I refresh that thread mutiple times a day. Its the last thing I really WANT from XBMC. Thanks for the effort on it either way CapnBry!
rip cd to mp3
rip dvd to avi or vob
close XBMC (i'm running this on my PC and have to alt-f4 out)
XMradio player plugin to 100% replace vista MCE

i LOVE mediastream, happy new year and thanks for the great work!
Try using restart XBMC. For me it just closes it out and never restarts it.
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