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Weather FanArt Pack (Backdrops with different weather conditions)
timdog82001 Wrote:That's the problem. It wasn't added until after 8.10. You have to get the newest svn. If you're getting linux, there is an svn repository, for osx, i have no idea, and for windows, you get it here:

Thanks a bunch Tim, XBMCSetup-Rev17586-jester.exe worked like a charm on my test machine. Just have to play around with it a bit before installing on the main HTPC. Big Grin
Thanks Timdog,

I believe I have all my multiimage tags correct and I did remove the original image path.

I think it is my placement within home.xl

PM3.HD seems to have two controls for weather. One for the default image and the other for the user specific background images I am guessing. See below...

- <control type="multiimage">
- <control type="image">

Any assistance on what I should be replacing would be greatly appreciated.
Could someone please confirm custom backgrounds based on weather conditions are still working on linux with current SVN builds ?

It was working for me in revision 17505 with the PM3.HD skin using this string in Home.xml:

After updating XBMC today to revision 17591 it stopped working. I even tried deleting my entire profile so it was freshly created, but no luck.
Also checking the debug log revealed no relevant info to me.

I've been troubleshooting this issue for a while now and it seems the latest working revision is 17508. So the updates in 17509 broke things for me.
Since there were so many code changes in 17509 it's hard to figure out what's exactly to blame.

Any ideas ?

change the multiimage visible tag to yes, and the image visible tag to no. Then, change the <info> tag in the multiimage to be the path to the weather fanart as in the first post of this thread. That should work for you. Now, just adjust the timeperimage to a time you like. 5000 = 5 seconds


I'm afraid I don't know, I don't run linux anymore.
Thanks timdog,

I got it working now. I ended up deleting the visiable lines altogether and it worked perfect on my home.xml

I have not tried it for myweather.xml, because I don't see how it could possibly look right in pm3.hd. The weather window does not have a fanart view so I am having trouble picturing where the images will appear.

Appreciate your responses.
@ ekim232 & everyone who's trying to get this working with PM3.HD

There's really no need to delete any of the visible tags.
You just have to enable custom weather backgrounds in XBMC first:
Settings > Skin Settings > Background > Weather Button - Enable Custom Background

Next add this line to the weather multiimage part of Home.xml:

That's all.


No problem, thanx anyway. I indeed hadn't tested it on windows. So i installed a recent Jester build and got it working without any problem.

Still no luck on linux however. Tried both PM3.HD and Horizonz. Normal custom backgrounds are still working fine, but just the weather background based on $INFO[Weather.FanartCode] fails.
ronie Wrote:Still no luck on linux however. Tried both PM3.HD and Horizonz. Normal custom backgrounds are still working fine, but just the weather background based on $INFO[Weather.FanartCode] fails.

Did you try reversing the slashes in the path? I noticed some paths in linux work only with the reverse of the windows slashes
It is also broken for me on linux with the latest revisions
Thanx for confirming proctor, i can stop troubleshooting now and leave it up to the devs.
I'll open a new thread in the linux forum.

Nope, reversing slashes doesn't work in this case.
I figured out a workaround for linux.

I was messing around with different paths and noticed in the log that for some reason the imagepath tag looks in this path by default:


So I added a symlink to my weather folder in that path and changed the imagepath tag in Backgrounds.xml to read


Now it works.
Great, thanx! It's working for me too.
Heya Tim,
I think your home.xml file is based on the Mediastream 1.0 version (the one you posted a while back in this thread). Is that correct? If so I was wondering if you happen to be running the Mediastream SVN. I see the home.xml file is a bit different. It look like images are chopped up into 3s? Maybe I am way off but it definately has some positive changes such as when you hit escape from the system settings there is no more flicker etc. Anyways my question is if you are running the SVN version of Mediastream can you post your home.xml file so I can see how you were able to intergrate your changing weather backgrounds? Thanks.
i don't have one that works with the current svn at the moment because the latest svn of mediastream doesn't seem to work quite right with multiimages which I use for some of the home page. I don't know if its actually an xbmc problem or what, but even after a clean install of xbmc and mediastream all my multiimages show the left 1/3 of the default image over the top of my multiimages. I was sort of waiting for them to fix that. So, as soon as that gets working again I plan to update my mediastream and I could upload that file then....

Do any of you guys use multiimages on the home page of mediastream? I want to make sure I'm not alone here with this bug.
timdog82001 Wrote:i don't have one that works with the current svn at the moment because the latest svn of mediastream doesn't seem to work quite right with multiimages which I use for some of the home page. I don't know if its actually an xbmc problem or what, but even after a clean install of xbmc and mediastream all my multiimages show the left 1/3 of the default image over the top of my multiimages. I was sort of waiting for them to fix that. So, as soon as that gets working again I plan to update my mediastream and I could upload that file then....

Do any of you guys use multiimages on the home page of mediastream? I want to make sure I'm not alone here with this bug.

Ok well good and bad to hear. Good in the the fact that I tried and got the same result as you with the 1/3 of the image displaying the default. Thats why I mentioned it might be cut into 3 parts. Bad in the fact that it doesnt currently work. Ill keep checking this thread daily. Thanks for the quick reply Tim.
you might want to mention it in the mediastream forums. Maybe they'll fix it if more people than just me complain about it Tongue

And yes, it is cut into 3 parts, but that's intentional, of course....They did that to decrease load times, and reduce memory overhead and so on....For example, the leftmost image is a lower resolution than the others cause it's hidden behind the menu 99 percent of the time.
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Weather FanArt Pack (Backdrops with different weather conditions)2