Xbox Friendly Texutres.xpr
Is it possible that my files are now sorted with "The" neglected whereas that option didn't have any effect before I installed this texture?

BTW... I renamed textures.xpr.xpr to textures.xpr and replaced the one in q:\skin\horizonz\media. I assumed the double extension was a typo. Was I correct?

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by dynamix - 2008-12-15, 00:30
[No subject] - by Rocky5 - 2008-12-15, 04:16
[No subject] - by postbusjj - 2008-12-15, 14:22
[No subject] - by xb2iris - 2008-12-15, 17:04
[No subject] - by Rocky5 - 2008-12-15, 21:03
[No subject] - by dynamix - 2008-12-16, 11:38
[No subject] - by Rocky5 - 2008-12-16, 15:00
[No subject] - by xb2iris - 2008-12-16, 17:03
[No subject] - by dynamix - 2008-12-16, 17:33
[No subject] - by xb2iris - 2008-12-16, 17:38
[No subject] - by dynamix - 2008-12-16, 17:48
[No subject] - by frater - 2008-12-16, 20:03
[No subject] - by Rocky5 - 2008-12-17, 07:04
[No subject] - by frater - 2008-12-17, 09:38
[No subject] - by xb2iris - 2008-12-17, 17:26
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