well, i've given it another shot, and it still doesn't quite work. my local zip code is "49503" and i've selected a radius of 15 miles. taking a look at it, it appears that this is an issue with hollywood.com and not your script. they list a couple dozen theaters in the area, but only have listings for one of them, and if you search for movie titles it won't find any at all.

i'll add that 49503 was chosen as it's the zip code in the middle of downtown in grand rapids, michigan, which is the second largest city in the state with a population over 750k in the metro area (i live in the burbs). compare this to a listing from yahoo: http://movies.yahoo.com/showtimes/showti...9503&r=sim

if i knew a damn thing about python i suppose i could just change it myself - but care to give it a shot @ yahoo?
my work schedule is insane this month (dirty real life!Wink, so i can't promise anything in a hurry, but your feedback is very helpful. it hadn't really crossed my mind that there would be places hollywood.com didn't list properly.

i like the idea of adding a menu item to select search engine (so you don't have to use hollywood.com). it wouldn't be at all hard to write in the option, and use it. the tough part would be reading through all the html on every site i modify it for.

then again, if i did that, i could incorporate footle's uk search, as well. that would be very cool (if he's interested).

i do like this idea, just...as i said, i don't really have much time to work on it right now. once i get a chance, i'll post here and let you know.

sorry the script didn't work, though. i'm very grateful for your comments, and hope to get something that'll be useful as soon as i can manage.

For scripts, script development tools, and documentation, visit my website:
urgh - i'd be forced to implement the postcode search properly...

*grimaces* Smile
ha, i made a very similar script for myself, using hollywood.com. if i would've checked these boards first, i could've saved myself a few hours Smile

since you seem to have this kind of script covered better than i could do, maybe i'll try and write a script to download subtitles for movies...

but now i'm gonna check these boards before i spend time writing it Smile

actually, as it happens, another board regular named bitplane is working on a script to download movie subtitles. :-)

that one, though, isn't working yet. you might post and see if he'll be finished soon, or if you should write your own.

hope that's helpful info.

For scripts, script development tools, and documentation, visit my website:
alexpoet, i just wanted to add my 2 cents worth.

xmovieguide is fantastic....
i modified my copy in the following ways, not sure but i believe
i had the most recent available (downloaded 2 days ago)

repaired listings by movie (seemed to be broken)
enabled synopsis (in showtimes box)
added release date (for those newly added friday films)
modified skin and screen layout to accomodate synopsis.

i discovered that hollywood.com sometimes post "plots" that
have linefeeds, added a routine to pull those as well.

it is not the cleanest code (synopsis processing) but this is
my very first python programming.  i was not able to reduce my code
to use a simple loop.  if you would like these changes, you are
welcome to them.
i do not have a web host to place them public.

this script rocks! (meaning your original, i just embelished)

thanks, and the xbox emulator works too, but i have to close
and restart the ide between script runs.

that sounds like some very impressive improvements, poolem! if you're interested, send a copy of your modified script to script_requests at cox.net. with your permission (and once i have the time *tragic sigh*) , i can try to incorporate those changes into the official release.
For scripts, script development tools, and documentation, visit my website:
hey alex hows it going. first off i must say i love this script. i really like the things poolem added and i hope they can make it into an official build. anyway i was having to problem of no background image, so i changed it to a gif and i went into xmovieguide.py and changed the line, something about rootdir + background.png. i changed it to background.gif and still no luck. i also can not get the back button to work for exit. i have this script set up as an option on my home screen so when i hit back it should take me back to home right? instead what it does is disable all the functions of xmovieguide and just sits till i reboot. any help?
i must have forgotten.... this modified script with not run on
my pc with the emulation files.

i modified the font sizes, the xbox runs it just fine though....
i also have 10 backgrounds that the user can select.
(just color variances, love illustrator)

>>> code snippet removed 8-24-04, please download new version from alexpoet's link(site)....
and enjoy :joker:
the previous post is the xmgconfig.py

>>> code snippet removed 8-24-04, please download current
version from alexpoet's link(site)...
and enjoy  :joker:

i may not have documented fully what had been changed,
namely how to change background images....
remote numbers 0-9.

ok, got the 8-18 build of xbmc and it fixed the image problem and the back button problem, i tried to use poolems scripts from above and could not get them to run. id really like to use some of these features like the synopsis. also any idea when hd version will be released. thanks again.
what are the dimensions on hd?

i actually haven't done anything with resolutions on any of my scripts. i feel really bad about that. but, then, i have cheap old tv, so i couldn't test any of my work if i started on it....

the concept of multi-resolution support would be very easy to incorporate (i even explained how to do it--and strongly encouraged others to--in my rewrite of the scripting tutorial). it just takes time and testing, and i haven't had access to either.

i'll get to it, though. i promise.
For scripts, script development tools, and documentation, visit my website:
i was wondering whether some one would be able to edit this script to use http://www.rottentomatoes.com. im a canadian eh. i cant use hollywood.com due to its zip code restrictions.

any help would be greatly appreciated.
i was unaware of the indent slammed left justified.

i attempted to correct that in this post, which i did correct, but then the post editor stripped out other strings, not a good way to post python scripts.
.... oops

my bad,  :nuts:
hey alexpoet, i have a few questions....

* are there any other xbox specific modules avaliable for import into python from xbmc?  more than just xbmc and xbmcgui?

* being a noob w/ python, what is meant in the documentation for re ? specifically, dotall.
my additions to xmovieguide and synopsis reading may have not been necessary if i understood how to read past a '\n' with re...

the special characters are:

"." (dot.) in the default mode, this matches any character except a newline. if the dotall flag has been specified, this matches any character including a newline.

* this is not a question so much, but more for feedback.
i wrote this script to query what objects (correct term?) are public to xbmc & xbmcgui within xbmc.
import xbmc, xbmcgui

parent = {}
child = {}

output = file('q:\\xbmc_defined.txt', 'w')
objects = [xbmc, xbmcgui]
for each in objects:
   parent = dir(each)
   #print each,'\n', parent
   output.write(str(each) + '\n\n' + str(parent) + '\n')
   for child in parent:
       #print '\t',child
       output.write('\n\t' + child + '\n')
       #print dir(getattr(each, child))
       output.write(str(dir(getattr(each, child))) + '\n')
   #print '\n---------- end ---------------\n'
   output.write('\n---------- end ---------------\n')

is this helpful?  not sure what the output tells me...
(i had to replace all double-underscores to single for this post)
<module 'xbmc' (built-in)>

['drive_not_ready', 'keyboard', 'playlist_music', 'playlist_music_temp', 'playlist_video', 'playlist_video_temp', 'playlist', 'playlistitem', 'player', 'tray_closed_media_present', 'tray_closed_no_media', 'tray_open', '_author_', '_credits_', '_date_', '_doc_', '_name_', '_version_', 'dashboard', 'executescript', 'getcputemp', 'getdvdstate', 'getfreemem', 'getipaddress', 'getlanguage', 'getlocalizedstring', 'getskindir', 'output', 'restart', 'shutdown']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'domodal', 'gettext', 'isconfirmed', 'setdefault']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_getitem_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_len_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'add', 'clear', 'load', 'remove', 'shuffle', 'size']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'getdescription', 'getduration', 'getfilename']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'pause', 'play', 'playnext', 'playprevious', 'stop']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_abs_', '_add_', '_and_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_coerce_', '_delattr_', '_div_', '_divmod_', '_doc_', '_float_', '_floordiv_', '_getattribute_', '_getnewargs_', '_hash_', '_hex_', '_init_', '_int_', '_invert_', '_long_', '_lshift_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_neg_', '_new_', '_nonzero_', '_oct_', '_or_', '_pos_', '_pow_', '_radd_', '_rand_', '_rdiv_', '_rdivmod_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rfloordiv_', '_rlshift_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_ror_', '_rpow_', '_rrshift_', '_rshift_', '_rsub_', '_rtruediv_', '_rxor_', '_setattr_', '_str_', '_sub_', '_truediv_', '_xor_']

['_add_', '_class_', '_contains_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_eq_', '_ge_', '_getattribute_', '_getitem_', '_getnewargs_', '_getslice_', '_gt_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_le_', '_len_', '_lt_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_ne_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

['_add_', '_class_', '_contains_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_eq_', '_ge_', '_getattribute_', '_getitem_', '_getnewargs_', '_getslice_', '_gt_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_le_', '_len_', '_lt_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_ne_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

['_add_', '_class_', '_contains_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_eq_', '_ge_', '_getattribute_', '_getitem_', '_getnewargs_', '_getslice_', '_gt_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_le_', '_len_', '_lt_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_ne_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_add_', '_class_', '_contains_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_eq_', '_ge_', '_getattribute_', '_getitem_', '_getnewargs_', '_getslice_', '_gt_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_le_', '_len_', '_lt_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_ne_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

['_add_', '_class_', '_contains_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_eq_', '_ge_', '_getattribute_', '_getitem_', '_getnewargs_', '_getslice_', '_gt_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_le_', '_len_', '_lt_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_ne_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

['_call_', '_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_module_', '_name_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_self_', '_setattr_', '_str_']

---------- end ---------------
<module 'xbmcgui' (built-in)>

['controlbutton', 'controlfadelabel', 'controlimage', 'controllabel', 'controllist', 'controltextbox', 'dialog', 'dialogprogress', 'listitem', 'window', '_author_', '_credits_', '_date_', '_doc_', '_name_', '_version_', 'lock', 'unlock']

['_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'controldown', 'controlleft', 'controlright', 'controlup', 'getid', 'setdisabledcolor', 'setheight', 'setlabel', 'setnavigation', 'setposition', 'setvisible', 'setwidth']

['_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'addlabel', 'controldown', 'controlleft', 'controlright', 'controlup', 'getid', 'reset', 'setheight', 'setnavigation', 'setposition', 'setvisible', 'setwidth']

['_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'controldown', 'controlleft', 'controlright', 'controlup', 'getid', 'setheight', 'setnavigation', 'setposition', 'setvisible', 'setwidth']

['_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'controldown', 'controlleft', 'controlright', 'controlup', 'getid', 'setheight', 'setlabel', 'setnavigation', 'setposition', 'setvisible', 'setwidth']

['_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'additem', 'controldown', 'controlleft', 'controlright', 'controlup', 'getid', 'getselecteditem', 'getselectedposition', 'getspincontrol', 'reset', 'setheight', 'setimagedimensions', 'setitemheight', 'setnavigation', 'setposition', 'setspace', 'setvisible', 'setwidth']

['_class_', '_cmp_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'controldown', 'controlleft', 'controlright', 'controlup', 'getid', 'getspincontrol', 'reset', 'setheight', 'setnavigation', 'setposition', 'settext', 'setvisible', 'setwidth']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'ok', 'select', 'yesno']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'close', 'create', 'iscanceled', 'update']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'getlabel', 'setlabel']

['_class_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_getattribute_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'addcontrol', 'close', 'domodal', 'getheight', 'getwidth', 'onaction', 'removecontrol', 'setfocus', 'show']

['_add_', '_class_', '_contains_', '_delattr_', '_doc_', '_eq_', '_ge_', '_getattribute_', '_getitem_', '_getnewargs_', '_getslice_', '_gt_', '_hash_', '_init_', '_le_', '_len_', '_lt_', '_mod_', '_mul_', '_ne_', '_new_', '_reduce_', '_reduce_ex_', '_repr_', '_rmod_', '_rmul_', '_setattr_', '_str_', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

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---------- end ---------------

i truly enjoy the snake, mega fun (yeah, i'm sick)

to think, m$ built a machine that is so capable- thanks to frodo and all involved!!!! and yourself.  :bowdown:

best regards.

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