"My Video" Bookmark freezes
hi all,

i'm new to all this so please be patient.

managed to get xbmc up and running with smb shares to files, pictures, music, video (big thanks to quicksilver).

i can now view my photos and listen to mp3's but when i select the "my video" bookmark the xbox doesn't apprear to do anything, in fact it freezes to the point where i can't even ftp to it without a reboot, i have left it for 20+ minutes to see if it can recover.

i have tried lots of changes to the .xml config including reverting back to the default file with 2 minor changes for home dir and dhcp.

everything i have tried results in the same problem, selecting my video from the main menu hangs the xbox.

anyone else have experience of this or suggestions for a resolution?

any help at all appreciated, including rtfm flames as long as they point me to the right page in tfm!
no idea how, but the problem dissapeared after playing with some different skins.

works fine with all skins now.

don't you just hate it when that happens?

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