No sound after trying to configure LIRC and LCDProc
Well by following the instructions in the sticky to get my LCD working on my Antec Micro Fusion, Ubuntu refused to reboot, then after reinstalling the video drivers I find they don't work and now I have no sound.

So not only have I wasted a day trying to get my remote and LCD working I've completely stuffed my Ubuntu/ XBMC setup.

I eventually coaxed some sound out of Rhythm box by setting the sound preferences to Autodetect but there is no sound at all in XBMC.

aplay-L reports nothing unusual.

I've tried reinstalling the ALSA drivers as per the Ubuntu sound troubleshooting sticky, all to no avail.

Anybody know why messing with the remote/ LCD has stuffed the sound. It was all working perfectly before. How do I fix it?

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No sound after trying to configure LIRC and LCDProc0