Something about scraping
I did a fresh install of REV17592 with an empty library. I pointed to my TV Shows folder and ran a scan. It imported the series name and information but no episodes. My shows are named as Lost.s01.e01.iso.

Here is the debug log
For those of you using nfo files, did you make sure to 'set content' on your folders to their appropriate content types and then refresh? I actually haven't been having this problem with the very most recent install, but it was a problem a few revisions ago for me.
Well I am happily confused, because it seems to be mostly working again for no apparent reason. Most of the shows that I have put on the last few days when the scraper was not working for me are now in the library. A few did not get in from "update library" but I was able to get those buy using "scan for new content" I don't believe I made any changes, I just tried it again and it worked? I would think if it was something with a lot more people would be having problems? I will just be happy it worked.
I did a brand new install, even with a new profile and library.
Now the scraping seems to work, but saving the setting "run automated scans" still doesn't. So I don't just have to update library, but to select "scan for new content".
I would be glad, if someone else reports that behaviour/bug.
I have this trouble after updating to the newest Jester build too. Movies/music works great.

TV Shows:
Update Library = Scans folder, recognises new shows but doesn't scan episodes
Scan for new content = Success

So to get a new show with eps to add you've got to do both. It's no biggie though - it's still less work than loading an external program to scan. Anyone work this out?
I've had all the above problems at various points too. Like several people here, I'm in the habit of downloading a new SVN build every couple of days. I'm wondering if changes to the workings of the userdata folder are responsible for the database files not being written to correctly? The auto scan progress bar will flicker for me as if it's finding new episodes, but then nothing is added.

#11 has got me thinking I need a clean install and to stop worrying that I'm missing kewl new features and stick with a build that works Wink

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Something about scraping0