Execute "something" when/before video playback starts. Script/hack?

I am a total newbie to scripting for XBMC.

However, i am looking at some systems to control my livingroom lights etc, via a website. The system i am looking into is Moeller Xcomfort's Homeputer.

What i would love, and wich could be a deciding factor to buy this system ,would be the ability to make XBMC execute a command to dim the lights when a movie starts... And even more, dim the lights back up when it finishes, is paused etc.

I would guess this could be done in one or two ways:

1: A script started when XBMC starts, wich monitors and interferes when i press to start a movie file. The script then sleeps xbmc, issues the command to my webserver wich dims the light, and resumes with the movie playback.

2: Same as above, but hardcoded into the XBMC by modifying the source in some way.

I would guess option 1 would be the best, since others can easily use the script, and even make the scripts do other actions...

If someone has info on how to do this, or better ideas, a push in the right direction would be deeply appreciated.


Last I dabbled in python there were some player.on*() callbacks for things like play, stop, pause, ended. Have a dig through the python docs in the wiki.

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Execute "something" when/before video playback starts. Script/hack?0