.nfo for Home-made videos
Hi Guys!

I was wondering if any of you could help me out. I have a lot of home-made videos of family events and trips. I would like to set the detailed information of these movie but I can't go to scrapper sites like imdb.com because obviously these movies will not show up. I made my own .nfo using the tags stated in the online manual found at:


I am using notepad as the .nfo editor and I have named the .nfo file with the same filename as that of the movies I have made them for. However, when I add my home movie source it would not update with movie details. Only the custom thumbnail (.tbn) and fanart (*-fanart.jpg) would show up. I've been researching the forums for answers but nothing I've tried seems to work.

I hope someone can help me out. Thanks and more power!
Did you set contents?
And if you did, how?
If the files were already in your library you need to refresh the entry from the media information window.
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Hey Sho!

It worked!!! Nice tip on that... I know I sound noobish on the question but thanks for the help. Anyway, for those who would like to use this thread as a reference here is how I did it.

1. Created a *.nfo file using any text editing utility (eg: notepad) and using the tags for movie information and ".nfo" extension when I save the file.
2. Make sure that your *.nfo should have the same filename as that of the movie it identifies (eg: movie.avi = movie.nfo).
3. Run the setup content at the movie folder or any other folder that you may like to use. Do note that you may use any scraper as the movie you are scraping for will not show up in any database, being it is a home movie.
4. The movie will set-up the .nfo found in the movie's directory as the information for your movie.

And there it is! Thanks for the help!
Use media info plus and enter info manually.

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