2009-03-14, 16:44
I will give it a test later when I get a free moment.
Thanks again for your efforts on this.
I will give it a test later when I get a free moment.
Thanks again for your efforts on this.
ekim232 Wrote:Worked great Rocky. Thanks for your help on this.
Maybe you could help out with one last thing. When the left panel has focus I have my header rejoin the it so it covers up the album panel. I have been trying to get the album panel to slide back down to its original position only when the focus is on the left panel (id900).
I tried this, but it doesn't seem to work
<animation effect="slide" start="0,175" end="0,0" delay="1500" time="310" condition="[Control.IsVisible(500) | !Control.HasFocus(9000)]">conditional</animation>
Any suggestions?
condition="[Control.HasFocus(500) | Control.HasFocus(61)]"