How do I execute bash script within XBMC

I've searched the forums and not finding what I want, it's possible I don't know the wording for what I'm looking for.

I've written a bash script which will kill xbmc and launch boxee, and vice verse. This allows me to quickly switch between xbmc and boxee depending on which I want to use.

What I want to to add a button or link in xbmc to run this script. I tried adding the path of that script into the programs section of xbmc, but nothing shows up, which makes me wonder what the point of the programs section is. Can anyone explain that?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
doobiest Wrote:Hi,

I've searched the forums and not finding what I want, it's possible I don't know the wording for what I'm looking for.

I've written a bash script which will kill xbmc and launch boxee, and vice verse. This allows me to quickly switch between xbmc and boxee depending on which I want to use.

What I want to to add a button or link in xbmc to run this script. I tried adding the path of that script into the programs section of xbmc, but nothing shows up, which makes me wonder what the point of the programs section is. Can anyone explain that?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

you need to assign the scripts to buttons on your remote that you do not use currently and setup a .lircrc file and using irexec or irxevent to execute them. you will find some startup and shutdown scripts in the tips and tricks thread.

I don't want it hard assigned to my physical remote button. I want it to be on screen somewhere/anywhere in xbmc, through whatever method.

I tried the launcher script but that seems like garbage, either that or has poor documentation.

Is there no built in command in xbmc to make an external call that I could then map to a UI button?

I believe there's a builtin function for lauching external applications. Have a dig in the wiki.
Good point, Immediately I'm seeing word of customizing what the dashboard button does, which is actually better than what I initially wanted. If anyone knows how to do that and can answer before I figure it out, please do.
I found an xml file which controls the dashboard button, and it run XBMC.dashboard(). I'm assuming if a command exists for what I want, I would want to put it here. Do you know where a list of all functions for xbmc is?
I didn't hint at the wiki for nothing Wink
I'm looking at the wiki, the only thing that comes close is RunXBE() which isn't doing anything for me. Assuming that's xbox specific executing only .xbe files.
I don't think what I want exists. So I wrote a basic wrapper script which will switch between xbmc and boxee upon exit/shutdown buttong

while true;
    case "$NEXT" in

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How do I execute bash script within XBMC0