What do you think about Windows 98?
I was wondering if XBMC will run on Windows 98?
lol come on and upgrade your OS Smile
For what is Win98 useful?
Old dos games maybe?

It would be an interesting test. But my guess is that it will not run with the main issues being OpenGL 1.4 GLSL capable video drivers. Maybe you can do a test with it and let others know if it works. Just don't ask for fixes in the source to make it work or the devs might kill you Wink
nobody in their right mind should still be using win98 for any purpose, especially if it's used online.

for old dos games you can use dosbox
I don't use 98 anymore. I was just thinking ultra-thin OS running on old hardware. Just playing around. I may try it this weekend. I have an old motherboard with an integrated 800mhz processor that I bought years ago and never used. Just wanted to play around with it and see what I could do. I'm going to try Linux as well, see what I can get out of it.
Well, since no one has actually 'answered the question', I will.

No, XBMC is not able to run on Windows 98 for a variety of reasons, most of which have to do with API/Library availability.
Thanks for the nail in the coffin I call my weekend! You've saved me hours of disappointment and troubleshooting, both of which would have been hard considering I usually drink most of the day on Saturdays.

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What do you think about Windows 98?0