Wall view
What is the exact size of thumbnails in wall view?
I presume it's the same as Showcase etc....Which DJH previously stated is 729x1080 px,
I believe that size is for movie.mkv-big.png pic. Thumbnails are smaller I believe...
Yah I noticed wall view is a little choppy... Does XBMC automatically generate thumbs for wallview?

My movie folders contain two files for my posters...


They're both the high res posters, should one of these be smaller so my wallview is less choppy? I would imagine if it's actually drawing off the high res posters in wallview it could really bog things down.
It's using the cached thumb that XBMC generates when it first scans your movie to the db. The default size is 512 (512x512=262144pixels) so if you're finding it slow then I'd suggest you try lowering it by adding this to your advancedsettings.xml.


You'll have to delete your Video Thumbnail folder from the USERDATA folder and let XBMC recache them.
I don't find it slow just quality sucks. It looks all choppy...
Replace 'slow' for 'choppy' then.

It's probably too much memory being used - lower the thumb sizes will help.

Try running in Debug mode and look at the memory.

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