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"ClearArt" concept - overlay type artwork for ex. 'episode poster/fanart on paused'
here's another one,

trigun (i'm working on other one for this anime):

ER (French)
Courtesy of "elzouavo"

clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

*If like, thank user
another for trigun:

do you have one for Hellsing and/or Samurai Champloo ?
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

*If like, thank user
i prefer this version of trigun:


i don't have but i could make .
Another one, Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto. Although, for some reason, thetvdb.com calls it Magical Meow Meow Taruto (sometimes translated titles sound wierd).

Here's one for the anime version of Heidi from 1974. It didn't look right with the logo so I left it off.

And, Mahoujin Guru Guru.

Lol I'm starting to wonder what kind of tv shows you guys are looking or if this is for your children :p
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Montellese Wrote:Lol I'm starting to wonder what kind of tv shows you guys are looking or if this is for your children :p

what? anime roooocks, dude!!!
i'd rather watch a nice set of cowboy bebop (amazing soundtrack) than undergo Dr. House
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Montellese Wrote:Lol I'm starting to wonder what kind of tv shows you guys are looking or if this is for your children :p

Seriously don't talk smack.
hikaricore Wrote:Seriously don't talk smack.

I'm just joking so don't take it so seriously. I read Mangas as well so...
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Montellese Wrote:Lol I'm starting to wonder what kind of tv shows you guys are looking or if this is for your children :p
I prefer the storylines, and the style is so much nicer then the boring stuff we are stuck with in prime time.

Actually, I find most current TV shows to be total crap (do we really need a few dozen "reality" TV shows every night?)
Very, very offtopic ! (and my first and last comment about )
reality tv cant be call a tv show ! thats the worst thing that happen to tv programming, if not check what its suppose to be MTV, VH1 and now Cartoon Network for example. its strange as hell to see a music video in what is suppose to be a Music television network !

beside most anime/manga are not for kids ! and am not a kids and I love Cartoons!
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

*If like, thank user
Moar Trek.

Star Trek: Enterprise


That's them all now including Imaginos one.
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"ClearArt" concept - overlay type artwork for ex. 'episode poster/fanart on paused'5