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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!
mikey79 Wrote:Recent issues I have with 2.11 however are, that the EPG data of TV shows I want to record sometimes change for a couple of minutes and that TVHeadend misses to recognize this change as being the very same show it already scheduled to record. It so happens, that I end up with two or even three recordings of the same show, each shifted in its recording time. Does anybody else have this behaviour here in Germany? Is a fix planned for it or a workaround available?

There's already a ticket about this issue
Is it possible to stop the EPG from using DVB networks information (Now and Next) and solely use XMLTV data?

The reason being, Now and Next only give me 2hours worth of guide info, xmltv gives me the full 2 weeks.

What is happening is once now and next info is added from the DVB-T all the XMLTV entries show up as "." i.e the title no longer shows correctly, if you click on the time slot you still get the synopsis for the show but no title so you end up with a lot of recording getting recorded to .showname.mkv which are hidden by default until I go and find them and rename them...

Im using version

Tvheadend has a built in Electronic Program Guide. The EPG is an in memory database populated with all the information about events received from the DVB networks or from XMLTV.
hi pinthenet and moontan77:

I'm glad that helps

@pinthenet: I don't get any problems like that. My DVB devices attached on my HTPC, I only use my HTPC for 2 to 3 hours everynight.
I noticed that alwinus had updated the pvr_testing2 branch (32595) so I updated and compiled successfully under Lucid. Although I can enable the pvr.hts addon I can't seem to use it. The config dialog has no captions and only entries for the tvheadend host & user/passsword, but the sttings.xml has everything
The client doesn't list any TV channels (but picks up the 1 Radio channel that I setup in tvheadend). I can add new channels using the channel manager and specifiying the URLs manually for each channel.

I also get a couple of crashes:
-selecting TV Guide under LiveTV (Exception caught on main loop)
-trying to set 'Active' in the channel manager for TV channels (/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:418....)

Finally I discovered that I have to run xbmc from within the SVN working copy folder - if I try to start anywhere else it crashes 'could not find skin.confluence' - it seems that the make install doesn't copy everything to /usr/local/xbmc/share but it finds them in the working copy if I start xbmc there.

If I add tvheadend as an htsp video source I can watch TV, and other features and addons work

Should this work under linux? The final log entry refers to windows

Should I just be patient and wait for a tested package....?

pinthenet: try delete .xbmc from home folder and make new configuration BUT dont lost time...


Tvheadend svn + PVR svn = no Picture -> TV channel play only as radio...
Thanks RoboSK. I tried that without success. I should have checked the tickets... Let's hope for an update

Is there anybody compiled tvheadend svn recently?
Why I can not get Web UI included in binary even I used the "--release" switch.


I compiled rev 5056 a couple of weeks ago but I'm now using Gregor's package 5103 from 6 August - also no problems yet

@pinthenet: thanks for the info, I'll try that later


On PVR-150 card with tvheadend video is working well but no audio. What to do with it ?

I have the same issue, but with mozilla it works!
Any other browser (IE8, Chrome) I have tried, fails...
"tvheadend.app.init not found" or something similar..
for PVR-150 use build 4709 - The Best out of all and its 100% working! All the newer builds has the no sound problem.
janumix, as say petie74, use old svn...
Thanks Xen0x, that's fixed the missing channels issue,looks good now.

I also solved my startup problem - special://xbmc wasn't defined so I tried setting $XBMC_HOME ro /usr/local/share/xbmc and now I can start xbmc from anywhere. I added a line to /usr/locaol/bin/xbmc to set the variable for now.

Should find out why it doesn't get set during compile though

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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9
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