2010-10-24, 23:03
moontan77 Wrote:know its kind of off topic, but what do people think is missing from tvheadend?Pausing Live TV is by far my Number 1 option that I miss.
moontan77 Wrote:know its kind of off topic, but what do people think is missing from tvheadend?Pausing Live TV is by far my Number 1 option that I miss.
martdj Wrote:Pausing Live TV is by far my Number 1 option that I miss.I got some ideas about that. Depending on how much time I have I'll discuss those with andoma this week.
dushmaniac Wrote:it's not installed apparently. try this:Thanks,
stop xbmc
start xbmc. version should read "XBMC 10.0-beta3 rDharma+pvr~odk9" after thatCode:sudo apt-get remove -y xbmc xbmc-bin xbmc-data xbmc-skin-confluence
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:lars-opdenkamp/xbmc-pvr
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y xbmc
dushmaniac Wrote:I got some ideas about that. Depending on how much time I have I'll discuss those with andoma this week.
Ruud Wrote:Thanks,no specific use cases to test at the moment (for me that is), but if you experience any problems with the PVR specific part that is not reported yet, I'm interested.
that did the trick.
any specific use cases you want to have tested?
martdj Wrote:Hopefully he will do something with it. Andoma's dev efforts seem to be focussed mainly on Showtime these days and not on TV Headend regretfully.I've been looking to how other software do the timeshift trick last week end (in general, not in detail yet). Personally I like the way myth solved this (timeshift is just an ordinary recording there), but there are other ways too. The "myth way" has the fewest disadvantages as far as I can see now.
dushmaniac Wrote:edit:
didn't read your post properly, since you're saying "Hopefully he will do something with it". I was only thinking about consulting andoma on a few points. I intend to do the implementation myself.
dushmaniac Wrote:I've been looking to how other software do the timeshift trick last week end (in general, not in detail yet). Personally I like the way myth solved this (timeshift is just an ordinary recording there), but there are other ways too. The "myth way" has the fewest disadvantages as far as I can see now.
moontan77 Wrote:BBC HD and BBC 1 HD (testing - 10.847V 22.0 5/6 under banner 6941) no longer use vdpau, both are on 28e.Gujs didn't force or hack anything. The addon just wasn't reporting the size it got from the server, now it is.
BBC HD used to work fine when gujs had his hack for forcing the channels to use vdpau but since tvheadend was updated to send the aspect ratio or whatever it is, bbc hd no longer uses vdpau.
Ruud Wrote:<cut text>Those are amongst the things I'd like to discuss before starting implementing anything indeed, although I didn't think about that "place shift" yet.
dushmaniac Wrote:Gujs didn't force or hack anything. The addon just wasn't reporting the size it got from the server, now it is.
moontan77 Wrote:I thought at one stage he had an option for forcing vdpau (months ago).ok could be, but I didn't see it anywhere. if you can tell me what the hack/fix was, I'll look into it.
Livetv is the problem as vdpau is not used, as xbmc must think the resolution is 0x0. Recordings are fine