Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Xlink Kai and last compatable XBMC for Xbox SVN build?
just as it says, whats the last compatible XBMC build allowing to use kai within the dash. have xbmc for long time and updated finally but NO KAI? why not.its old yeah but how many are still in use? MUCHO im sure but any ways sorry for that..
Support was removed in r14099, I have no idea if it worked then and it surely won't work with the current kai stuff ( assuming its still in dev).

They changed their API and didn't update the XBMC client. No one else was interested in maintaining it, so it burned. It won't be making a comeback.
it was borken for half a year or something before we removed it
r14095 can be found with T3CH in the old build section and still works with the current x-link kai 7.4.18beta, i have it as a second intall on dual boot so i can just launch that version of xbmc when i want to play online.

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Xlink Kai and last compatable XBMC for Xbox SVN build?0