cannot install a new version from site "BMC_for_Windows-9.04.1-repack2.exe" - error
The new version from site "BMC_for_Windows-9.04.1-repack2.exe" not work
I got this messsage

"Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. contact the
- installers author to obtain a n copy.
More information at
http://nsis.sf.netJNSis_Error "
this means that the file was downloaded incorrectly (download again) or you might have a virus on your computer (probably not). use a download manager if all else fails.
Silverxxx Wrote:this means that the file was downloaded incorrectly (download again) or you might have a virus on your computer (probably not). use a download manager if all else fails.

I download this version from three computer , and fro m all i got this message.
what is the address of the file you have downloaded.
The file, as probably expected, works. As such you have the following options:

check your file size by rightclicking the file. it should be (85,012,920 bytes) ignore the size on disk.

If your file is smaller, download again using a different mirror then the one you used. I used internode, australia for mine. It is possible that a mirror has an incomplete file. It is also possible that your isp cached an incomplete file.

If your file is bigger, you have a virus. Do a virus scan anyway, it never hurt anyone.

If it's the same, and you don't have a virus, it might be some windows problem, such as low hdd space, insufficient admin rights or some misconfiguration that i can't imagine.
Do you have other site to download it? ,I did not found any mirror site
there should be a button at the bottom of the download window

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cannot install a new version from site "BMC_for_Windows-9.04.1-repack2.exe" - error0